Correct form???

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam kilka przykładów z ćw. do gramatyki i chciałabym zobaczyć czy dobrze mi sie udało przetłumaczyć. Oto one:
- Where this beautiful music is coming from? It\'s my sister listening to the radio.
- What are you doing? I\'m having breakfast.
- Richard isn\'t smiling at you, he is smiling at the person who is standing behind you.
- How often do you go to the cinema together? (moze byc to together?)
- Mary doesn\'t like to play cards.
- I sometimes late by bus. (ma byc ja czasem spozniam sie na autobus)
- I usually go to sea in the summer. (ma byc ja latem zwykle wyjezdzam nad morze)
- Is good, if you help people. (ma byc dobrze jest pomagac ludziom)
- A car isn\'t driving very fast near my home.
- My neighbours aren\'t arguing so loudly that I can hear them.
Prosze o ewntualne poprawienie bledow. Z gory thx.
Już od samego ranka się uczysz ? Brawo.
Po like jest -ing form. Mary doesn\'t like playing cards.
spóżniac się - to miss a bus. I sometimes miss a bus.
nad morze - by/at the seaside. I usually go to the seaside in the summer.
It is right to help people.
ja tez sie ucze.Pozdrawiam.
Wielkie Thx za pomoc! ;-)