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I'm pleasent because I never get cross with people unless somebody get upset me. I'm very sociable- I like spending time with other people but sometimes i'm shy. I'm pessimistic- I'm expecting bad things to happen or sth not to be successful. I'm not economial particualary when I go to shopping. I'm stubborn- I'm never cahnges my mind and I always do what I want to. I'm very scatter-brained- sometimes I'm not think hard and I make a decision. I'm helpful- when smb have a lot of work to do, I always lends a hand.

Proszę o poprawinie! i mozna zawsze cos urozmaicic zapewne...wiec poprosze o pomoc!! Pozdrawiam
Zanim ktoś się zabierze za urozmaicanie, lepiej poprawić błędy:

I'm pleasent because I never get cross with people unless somebody get upset me. -> I'm pleasAnt (lepiej: I'm a nice person) because I never get cross with people unless somebody upsets me (ewentualnie: gets me upset).

I'm very sociable- I like spending time with other people but sometimes i'm shy. -> I'm very sociable - I like spending time with other people but sometimes I'm shy.

I'm pessimistic- I'm expecting bad things to happen or sth not to be successful. -> I'm pessimistic - I (often/usually/always) expect bad things to happen, or something not to be successful.

I'm not economial particualary when I go to shopping. -> I'm economical, particuLARLY when I go shopping.

I'm stubborn- I'm never cahnges my mind and I always do what I want to. -> I'm stubborn - I never change my mind and I always do what I want to.

I'm very scatter-brained- sometimes I'm not think hard and I make a decision. -> I'm quite scatter-brained - sometimes I make a decision without thinking too hard.

I'm helpful- when smb have a lot of work to do, I always lends a hand. -> I'm helpful - when somebody haS a lot of work to do, I always lend (bez 's') a hand.

Jeśli chcesz coś urozmacić, zamiast pisać np. 'I'm very sociable - I like spending time with other people', możesz dać:
'I like spending time with other people, which means I'm very sociable'.
Ups, poprawka: I never change my mind and I always do what I want to. -> lepiej będzie: '...and I always do what I want.' / '...and I always do what I want to do.'
Dziekuje za wprowadzenie poprawek i za pomoc!!!! Pozdrawiam


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