zamiana zwyklej strony biernej na quasi:
1. It is said that she lives in Janeiro.
1. She is said to live in Janeiro.
2. It is known that she lived in Cairo.
2. She is known to have lived in Cairo.
3. It is supposed that she will live in Dakar again.
3. She is supposed to live in Dakar again.
4. It was said that she lived in Cairo.
4. She was said to live in Cairo.
5. It was known that she had lived in Dakar.
5. She was known to have lived in Dakar.
6. It was supposed that she would live in Janeiro one day.
6. She was supposed to live in Janeiro one day.
z powyzszych zdan wynika jedno - w zdaniach z uzyciem form czasownika 'simple' stosujemy konstrukcje 'to have + past participle' jezeli zdanie podrzedne zdarzylo sie WCZESNIEJ od zdania nadrzednego (2 oraz 5); w pozostalych przypadkach uzywamy form zwyklego bezokolicznika z 'to'
7. It is said that she is writing a novel.
7. AShe is said to be writing a novel.
8. It is known that she was writing a short story then.
8. She is known to have been writing a short story then.
9. It is supposed that she will shortly be writing a detective story.
9. She is supposed to be shortly writing a detective story.
10. It was said that she was writing a short story at that time.
10. She was said to be writing a short story at that time.
11. It was known that she had been writing a thriller then.
11. She was known to have been writing a thriller then.
13. It was supposed that she would be writing a novel at some point in the future.
13. She was supposed to be writing a novel at some point in the future.
z powyzszych zdan wynika jedno - w zdaniach z uzyciem form czasownika 'continuous' stosujemy konstrukcje 'to have been + present participle' jezeli zdanie podrzedne zdarzylo sie WCZESNIEJ od zdania nadrzednego (8 oraz 11); w pozostalych przypadkach jest to 'to be + verb -ing'
I think it's all to be known about quasi passive :~)