Prosze o pomoc:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
mam pewne zadanie, ktore musze wykonac bezblednie, a mam pewien klopot, za pomoc z gory dziekuje:
(past simple, past cont)

1. I...........(cycle)home yesterday when suddenly a man ...........(step) out of the road in front of me
2. I.........(go) quite fast but luckily I (manage) to stop in time and .........(not)(hit) him
3. I.........(just)(get) home when the phone ........(ring). I waqs surprised to hear Shai's voice because I ........(see) him only ten minutes before at school
4. He .......(tell) me that the most amazing thing ..........(happen) to him on the on the way home from school and that he .......(want) to tell me abouy it right away
A Past Perfect nie? Bo tez by sie w paru miejscach przydal. A jakie sa Twoje propozycje?
1. was cycling; stepped
2. was walking; managed; didn't hit
3. had just got;rang; saw Tu moim zdaniem Past Perfect
4. told; happened; wanted
1. was cycling, stepped.
2. was going, managed, didn't hit
3. had just got (BrE)/ gotten(AmE), saw
4. told, had happened, wanted.
w 3. jeszcze rang.
Zgadzam się z bernardem zastanawiam się tylko, czy w drgim zdaniu nie powinno być "not hit him", bo jest to odniesienie do "I managed to stop" Zdołał zatrzymać się (bezokolicznik) i nie uderzyć go (bezokolicznik).


>2. I......(go) quite fast but luckily I (manage) to stop in time and
>......(not)(hit) him

>czy w drgim zdaniu nie
>powinno być "not hit him"

Could be, I guess. I think that both versions will work. If you say ".. and not to hit him", you refer to the manage. But, if you say ".. and didn't hit him " you continue to say what you were going to say, but there are no links to any previous verbs/ other parts of the sentence. This is how I see it.
I apologise Bednar87 for twisting your nick. It wasn't on purpose :)
A nie chcecie w 3 zdaniu dac 'had seen'?
>I apologise Bednar87 for twisting your nick. It wasn't on purpose :)


Nothing to apologise for. It's the word "bernard" that I hate, because it conjures up rather unpleasant associations.

>>A nie chcecie w 3 zdaniu dac 'had seen'?

As for the had seen in the third sentence, I personally wouldn't. Why? Well, you'll have to wait untill I have a good explanation.
Ach to trzecie zdanie...

Wycofuję się. Powinien tam być Continuous

3. I......(just)(get) home when the phone ......(ring). I waqs surprised to hear Shai's voice because I ......(see) him only ten minutes before at school.

I was just getting home when the phone rang. I was suprised to hear Shai's voice because I had seen him only ten minutes before at school.
check this out mate!

1. I WAS CYCLING home yesterday when suddenly a man STEPPED out of the road in front of me.
2. I WAS GOING quite fast but luckily I MANAGED to stop in time and DIDN'T HIT him.
3. I HAD JUST GOT/WAS JUST GETTING home when the phone RANG. I was surprised to hear Shai's voice because I HAD SEEN him only ten minutes before at school.
4. He TOLD me that the most amazing thing HAD HAPPENED to him on the way home from school and that he HAD WANTED to tell me about it right away.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.