
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1) Choose the correctoption in each sentence

1) We can only accurately ....... the wheather for the next couple of days.
a) broadcast b)suggest c)consider d)forecast
2) It's snowing so hard, I think there's going to be a .............
a) shower b)blizzard c)hurriance d)frost
3) I can't go out in this; it's........ with rain
a) dripping b)spitting c)pouring d) freezing
4) Everything is so dry. There hasn't been a ............ of rain for weeks now.
a)flake b)gust c)drop d)flash
5) Look at the snow........! Aren't they pretty?
a)flakes b)stones c)falls d)storms
6) The ground is all white and sparkling. There must have been a ...........last night.
a)hailstrom b)frost c)mist d) fog
Wg. 1)D 2)b3)C4)A5)C6)D

2) Choose the correct answer
1) I want to go and SEE / WATCH the film at the cinema tomorrow.
2) I've got my driving test tomorrow and I'm a bit UPSET / NERVOUS
3) If I fail it, I might be quit UPSET / NERVOUS
4) If you forget her birthday on Saturday, she'll be really UPSET / NERVOUS
5) I'm so bored. There's nothing to do to SPEND / PASS the time around here.
6) I'm sure you'll HAVE / SPEND a great time at the party

3) Complete the sentences using the correct word in the box
althought * despite * however * in spite * since * so
1) The air conditioner still doesn't work ........... we're going to be a bit hot day
2) I think we should go on the picnic ................ of the rain
3) The rain is still pouring throught the roof ......... we had it fixed las summer.
4) We still insist on sitting in the sun for hours ..........knowing it's harmful to our skin.
5) In the winter we need to have some hours of sunshine every day..................... it's not always posible
Wg. 1)D -ok; 2)b-ok; 3)C-ok; 4)A-ok;
5)C-nie- a myslalam, ze juz wszystko bedzie ok-tutaj jest mowa o snowflake-5A; 6)D-ej? no - co ma 'fog' do tego, ze na ziemi bylo bialo? chyba cos nie tak? slowo 'sparking' powinno dac ci znac, ze tu chodzi o frost. 6B
Mysle, ze tutaj to tylko strzelasz - masz 50% szansy- ale widac, ze nie rozumiesz o co chodzi...
1) I want to go and SEE...
2) I've got my driving test tomorrow and I'm a bit UPSET- ale dlaczego?, jak sie czlowiek czuje gdy ma isc na driving test albo jakis inny test? upset-czy tez placze przy tym? czy po prostu jest zdenerwowany?
3) If I fail it, I might be quit UPSET- tutaj upset dlatego, ze jak nie zdasz to sie rozplaczesz.
4) If you forget her birthday on Saturday, she'll be really UPSET / NERVOUS- a miby dlaczego miala by byc zdenerwowana, tutaj pasuje UPSET - ona sie rozplacze.
5) I'm so bored. There's nothing to do to spend - a na co wlasciwie chcesz wydawac cos? tutaj chodzi o czasie..PASS the time around here.
6) I'm sure you'll HAVE..
>Wg. 1)D -ok; 2)b-ok; 3)C-ok; 4)A-ok;

4) C (tak dla jasnosci)
just to make Mietekk's day:

3) Complete the sentences using the correct word in the box
althought * despite * however * in spite * since * so
1) The air conditioner still doesn't work SO we're going to be a bit hot day
2) I think we should go on the picnic IN SPITE of the rain
3) The rain is still pouring throught the roof ALTHOUGH we had it fixed las summer.
4) We still insist on sitting in the sun for hours DESPITE knowing it's harmful to our skin.
5) In the winter we need to have some hours of sunshine every day HOWEVER, it's not always posible

hejka, mam zadanie domowe, "my guinea pig is making horrible noise at night" czy ktoś mógłby dać chociaż 2 rady odnośnie zadania ze świnką morską :>? z góry dziękuję...
racja 4)C
Feed it heavily just before you go to bed - the more it eats before the night, the drowsier it gets.
Or, play with it as much as you can just before bedtime - the more it gets tired, the easier it gets to sleep.

Your guinea pig may as well be ill - perhaps the only way to make it stop making that horrible noise is to put it to sleep. :(
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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