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My name is Sylwia, I have been lived since September in London I come here to improve my English, but I can tell that I see more improve then before...
I'm au pair, I am a litter bit like mathers help so I haven't go time for stady english, and another problem is that I have here very good contact with Polish people .. I want to write with somebady in English, we can speak about politic, healthy, sport, fashon, films..
I hope that somebady will be writting to me!;)

hey you don't have to feel so lonely, just turn yor tv on and choose one of my favourite channels, like Channel4.
What ages are the kids you're looking after then?
I have 40-45h of work pre week...
I am looking after one child (7) I do some cleaning, shoping,waking with doogs I easy things in bank, post office, when I finish my work day I only feel like go sleep but I still have got my homework from school ( I have really good course of English here but in my groupe I have 4 polish friends, You understand what I mean).. usually I start learn english after 9pm and in the next day I can remmember haft of that what I learnt the day before, shame!
You are absolutly right I can feel lonley here becouse I have a lot of polish friends:P..
and another thing I don't realy like watch TV, of course if is something realy good there ( Film...) and from another hand I dont have time for that:(.
If You want more speak with me its my mail: [email] any way thanks...
So you've got a full-time job to do, I guess :(
I've never been an au pair, but I know how hard it is sometimes to take care of a small kid. The kid I had to look after from time to time was four. He was my landlord's son. And since he had separated from his wife, my landlord was supposed to bring the boy and spend weekends with him at his home. So when I was off work, and my landlord had to go to town to deal with things like banking, shopping etc., I usually took control over the kid. I would make a good au pair, never :| Good for you that you can do that.
So, how long have you been an au pair then?
uff, I try therd times write to You I don't know what wrong is going on ....
So I have been here 4 months..
Have long You have benn here??
are you happy here??