Tabela czasów angielskich

Present Continuous I am not writing a book now.
He isn't writing a book now.
They aren't writing a book now.
Present Simple I don't write books.
He doesn't write books.
Present Perfect I haven't written a book.
He hasn't written a book.
Present Perfect Continuous I haven't been writing a book.
He hasn't been writing a book.
Past Simple I didn't write a book yesterday.
He didn't write a book yesterday.
Past Continuous I wasn't writing a book all day long.
You weren't writing a book all day long.
Past Perfect I hadn't written a book.
He hadn't written a book.
Past Perfect Continuous I hadn't been writing a book.
He hadn't been writing a book.
Future Simple I won't write a book.
He won't write a book.
Future Continuous I won't be writing a book.
He won't be writing a book.
Future Perfect I won't have written a book by the end of the week.
He won't have written a book by the end of the week.
Future Perfect Continuous I won't have been writing a book.
He won't have been writing a book.
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Komentarze (5)

Super, pięknie opisane, tak trzymać.

Dla mnie brakuje tylko cwiczen, w ktorych nalezy wybrac poprawny czas sposrod wszystkih czasow oraz sposrob samych Past/Present/Future

moim zdaniem przy tym zestawieniu czasów ,.brakuje doadtkowych slówek okreslajacych czas np,: yet, already , które by pomogly zlapac róznice miedzy czasami

super przygotowane zestawienia :)

bardzo pomocne w nauce ;)