Native From the US wanting to learn Polish

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61-90 z 106
Hey Mac 88 ,they were rude first so they need to be put in place and
when you hit first that gives the green light to hit back,they started
and if you can't handle the heat, don't come in the kitchen, all these
Poles are cowards, taking advantage of an American that's being friendly
by speaking your gibberish language on an English forum so he can't
understand what's being said. You have to be braindead to not see how
vicious these people were towards him, the reception that was given is
all here in this forum, try reading. Terri and all others feel mighty
cause they are pushing an American on the meaningless "little local
Polish forum" where there aren't enough Anglos to shoot back, well all I
can say to all of you cowards is why don't you bring your "old dusty
English book talk" to the yahoo group forums or even myspace forums
where all Anglos are hanging out and lets see how you will amaze us with
your ridiculous English, I challenge any of you arrogant Poles to come
to a yahoo group and run your motor mouths on there, if anybody decides
to come to one of these yahoo groups or a chatroom, please let me know
and we'll meet there. "I bet the little local polish forum" feels safe.
Come to our forums or chatrooms, we've got a diploma for you. Terri try reading cause I said that Anglos don't care for mispellings and yes for whatever the reason maybe to carry a grin on their faces it's not my point my point is that they are unfriemdly uneducated people, look at how corteous they are, again take a read. I don't care if you were born in The Royal Brit castle you are a Pole to me Terri.
Looks like your only hope is Im a Brit living in Polska and think that maybe you'd have a little more success if you had a few words of Polish to begin with. I know thats the reason (if not the "real" main reason) why you wanted a bird to take to the seaside but try to learn and use a bit of the lingo now...The Poles (contrary to popular belief) are a friendly bunch and appreciate a bit of effort on our part as foreigners.

One thing I must say: As a native speaker myself, I know no matter what you say, that you reacted very badly to the comments on this thread....The Poles love to take the p*ss (out of themselves too, which is quite nice) and will wind you up until you cant take any more... Americans Ive met dont have the ability to cope with the Polish OR English sense of humour. I love you though!

So, anyone fancy a trip to the seaside with me? :) ....Only joking ;)
This Brit must be drunk or something, talking all this crap about English Humor. Have you ever seen a British comedy ? They are unwatchable. I mean let's get serious here the British film industry can't compare to Hollywood or even come close to it. British humor is what they call in America a bad joke or something that isn't funny. How could you be funny when you sound like you've got a mouth full of marbles, God that accent drills into my ears.
Doug, it seems, was looking for a $%^@#& friend, unfortunately.
That's why the negative response. He should have gone looking for easy women somewhere else...yeah maybe where y'all hang out at the, what was it, YAHOO chat-rooms??? Anyway, if you hate Polish people so much, what are you doing here on this website? Go away.
I agree That Doug Guy is just looking to get laid, Doug must be a major loser when he has to post a message on an English forum looking for a girl when there is a world of women outthere. People that do what Doug did are usually very ugly.
Hej Dougie boy...we're waiting on news of your summer in Mielno :)
Doug save your breath for your blow up date...
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hi:) My name is Ewelina.I'm from Poland,but since 1 year I'm Au pair in Holland.Do you have skyp?If like it we can talk like this. MY ADRES [email]
Nie przeczytałam do konca twojej notki. WYCOFUJE MOJA PROPOZYCJE!!!!!!!!!! Mam nazyczonego i nie potrzebuje adoratów:))
Fuck Polska, I hate this country, probably the dumbest people on earth.
There's no room for humor in Poland, they're busy the whole day trying to find something to eat and find a place to sleep and puke. Look at their politicians, they coulnd't look dumber, especially the potato head brothers Kaszincky ( I don't know how to write this name but that doesn't matter ) and the mental retards Giertych and Lepper. I think it's time we ban Poland from the European Union, this shit country is not an added value for the Union, it's a burden.
Many Polish women fuck for money to survive and their husbands can live with that, you polaks are the Mexicans of Europe, filth, white thrash criminals and cheaters.
Western European
As regards the European Union - unfortunately Belgium and the other civilized countries of Europe are stuck with Poland for ever. Learn to live with it -
>Mam nazyczonego

Kogo masz?
Terri, I'm glad you realize and admit that Poland is a backward country. We unfortunately have to let these hords of polaks into our countries, they are cheap labor but do not deliver quality, believe me. And another thing, why do polaks have such a bad reputation ( it's not a stereotype or a prejudice, it's a hard fact ), maybe you could come up with an explanation ?
2 polaks killed a 17-year old Belgian in Brussels Central station, why ? for his mp-3 player. Crime and dishonesty is in your genes and you will not get Europe's sympathy by prostituting your female relatives, killing innoncent people and stealing cars. The polak pope is dead now, long live Jan Pawel.
It's a shame Hitler didn't erase Poland from the map.
Western European

Your Belgian or whatever white trash ass is no better than a Polish one. And there's no reason for you to go offending Polish people by calling them 'polaks'. Show some respect dude.
Western european, yeah right!

what a misery....

seems to me mr łestern juropijen that you're a pole emigrated to Belgium.

You worship John Paul but obviously don't know anything about his message-your statement proves so. And how come do you know how to write his name in polish anyway. You're a god damn pole!

But if you're not and you are REAL belgian (from great, great, great father) then, taking your way of classification, YOU ALL BELGIAN PEOPLE ARE PEDOPHILES.

If you're a belgian then you must have heard about this big f*u*c*k*u*p* two or three years ago and know what I'm talking about.
even governmental's people were involved in this.

by, by mr. european. you proved to be a real european! salut!
hi Dougm1966

i f you want me to help you learning english, contact me on [email]
I live in London so there's no meeting involved but at least maybe few words and some grammar is what I could help you with

It seem like no one has helped you, just critisism
Have fun i Poland
It is still nice country, though so many htings are not going well
learning polish of course, and I dont need anything in exchange, my english is not bad
I just want to help
starting translation next February at Westminster uni so would be nice to find out if I am any good at it
Do you think that you are better than we? With your hatred in your heard? Would you like to be judged for what somebody else does? Would it be fair? Do you think you are wise and fair because of your hatred? Your personality has been degenerated - you think about other people that they are worst than you. You are similar to Hitler because of the hatred in your heard. It is very close to kill somebody.
What does "Comcast" mean?rnI couldn't find it anywhere.
I'll be also willing to help you learn/brush up on your Polish. I know that it's difficult, since I know some people who've been learning Polish for a couple of years and they are not very good at this, although they've been doing their best to improve their skills. Please, if interested, contact me, [email]

My help would be selfless, of koz.
Takie rzeczy mogą sie tylko w Polsce zdarzyć, biedny Amerykan chce sie nauczyć a wy go tak potraktowaliście z góry. Potem pojedziecie do UK i bedziecie chciec zeby was Amerykanie dobrze traktowali, brrrrr rnBrzydze sie ta Polską jakąwy kreacjoniazujecie !!!!rnco s tom polskom ?
The US govern. has decided to build a wall between the USA and Mexico, to finally put an end to this illegal immigration.
I think it's time Western Europe builds a wall between Germany and Poland, we are sick and tired of seeing thousand of polaks coming into our countries. Polaks are racists and are now creating problems with Hindu and Pakistan communities in the UK, the same goes for Belgium where they tend to feel superior to Morrocans and Turks. Polaks, pls bear in mind : WE DON'T LIKE YOU AND DON'T NEED YOU SO DO US A FAVOUR AND KEEP YOUR RACIST WHITE THRASH ASSES IN YOUR STINKING VILLAGES.
Studies from the Munich primate center indicate that Poles have
deformities in their chromosome structure and have a measured lack of electrical impusles in certain parts of their brains making them mentally challenged ( a few examples : Giertych, Walesa, Lepper ). We think 12th century Mongol invasion of Poland is at the basis of these deformities.
Western European aka German Scientist because you're probably the same person from Belgium...racism is ignorance so take a good look at yourself and you'll see one messed-up racist ignorant fool, I hope all that hate eats you up.
Some humour for you bitter depressed polaks :

What is the definition of Polish oral sex? That’s where the man and woman stand

across the room and shout "Fuck You!" at eachother.

Admit it, that's a funny one !
Ok so I'm a little confused. Firstly why are all you anti-Polish people on a Polish website. Are you just so sad, bitter, pathetic and full of hate that you came to find somewhere to vent your anger? It seems to me 'Western European' that you are the bitter depressed and rascist one on here and not certainly not the Polish. There are criminals and rascists of every nationality and having lived in various countries I've seen a fair amount of local rascism in the US, Belgium, Italy, France, Holland and Germany so dont give the Polish stick for this. Look at some of the bitter pathetic rant you've put down here and hopefully you'll appreciate that it's you who's the rascist one.

I've been in Krakow 6 months now. My experience and that of the other ex-pats of various different nationalities that I know here is that the Polish are extremely friendly, warm, hospitable and have a great sense of humour. I feel safer here than I ever did in Rome, Brussels or Paris.

Secondly isn't this website aimed to help people with their language skills? Of course people on here are going to discuss idioms, mistakes e.t.c. Dont get so upset about it.

A couple of points to finish...... To the Yank who thinks English comedy is no good. Talk to any European and you'll realise that our view of most US TV and film is that it's 'bubblegum', 'fast food', 'lowest common denominator'.... i.e. aimed at idiots. That's why YOU dont appreciate anything else. Maybe that's also why you dont appreciate the Polish sense of humour. You're an idiot.

Doug - try - it's not a dating site but a good way to chat to Polish people online.
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