Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-60 z 90
Jeszcze raz dziękuje:)
He asked us, (co byśmy zrobili, gdybyśmy wygrali 1000 dolarów).
He asked us what we would do if we won a thousand dolars.

I zapamiętaj 2 . i 3. okres warunkowy pozostaje bez zmian :)
Dałam taką konstrukcję, bo na próbnej operonowskiej się pojawiła i wielu zaskoczyła;p
dam coś od siebie skoro nie ma chętnych:

1) I went down with scarlet fever as soon as i recovered from flu.

2) Up to the present we have had no answer from them.

3)Tom is so tall he can only just get through that door without stooping.
If Tom able to get through that door without stooping.
3) If Tom was taller, he would not be able... a te dwa powyzej to straszne. jak to wg ciebie zrobic?
1) I went down with scarlet fever as soon as i recovered from flu.
Scarcely did I recovered from flu, I went down with scarlet fever

2) Up to the present we have had no answer from them.
As far we have had no answer from them
Scarcely had I recovered from flu when I went down with scarlet fever.

As yet we have had no answer from them.
Czemu nie as far? Przecież to znaczy jak dotychczas.
>Czemu nie as far? Przecież to znaczy jak dotychczas.

mowi sie 'so far', a nie 'as far'
I haven't visited this place since May

It is essential to send him an invitation
Faktycznie:) Dzięki:)
My father wishes he had seen the tennis match, but he didn't have time.
My father would...

Tommorrow we are getting up (wczesniej niz zwykle)...
My father wishes he had seen the tennis match, but he didn't have time.
My father would have seen the tennis match if he had had time.

Tommorrow we are getting up earlier as usual.
My father would like to have seen the tennis match.

Tommorrow we are getting up earlier THAN usual.

I haven't visited this place since May

The last time I visited this place was May.

It is essential to send him an invitation

He has to be sent an invitation.
>My father wishes he had seen the tennis match, but he didn't have
>My father would have seen the tennis match if he had had time.
>Tommorrow we are getting up earlier as usual.

pakk podal poprawne odpowiedzi; raczej zda mature na 4+
>I haven't visited this place since May
>The last time I visited this place was {in} May.
:) hope so
To ja dam następne:

1) There's no point asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.
It's .......

2)The thief ran right past you so I'm sure you saw his face.
The thief ran right past you so ......
1) There's no point asking Lynda to help as she's really busy.
It's a waste of time to ask Lynda to help as she's really busy

2)The thief ran right past you so I'm sure you saw his face.
The thief ran right past you so must have seen his face.

Herbie would rather study in the reading room than read in the dorm.
Herbie..... in the dorm

Maggie last contacted me when she went to Spain.
I...... she went to Spain
Herbie would rather study in the reading room than read in the dorm.
Herbie prefers studying in the reading room to reading in the dorm.

Maggie last contacted me when she went to Spain.
I have not heard from Maggie since she went to Spain. ?
Next ones: :)

The famous singer is not to be disturbed.
On no account...

They sold all the best stuff before she got to the right department.
By the time...
On no account is the famous singer to be disturbed.

By the time she got to the right department, they had sold all the best stuff?

A zna ktos jakas stronke ze slowotworstwem? Zrobilbym sobie kilka(-dziesiat) przykladow.
On no account should ..... be disturbed.

By the time ..... they will have sold ...
*had sold -sorry
1 - ok

2 - ok (w odp jest jeszcze ...they had >already< sold~~ i nie ma przecinka)

I met one of my old school friends by chance yesterday.
I ran...

Perhaps she has been going out with Bob longer than you think.
She may...
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
31-60 z 90


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