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I met one of my old school friends by chance yesterday.
I ran into my old school friends yesterday.

Perhaps she has been going out with Bob longer than you think.
She may have been going out with Bob longer than you think.
>I met one of my old school friends by chance yesterday.
>I ran into one of my old school friends (by chance-chyba juz niepotrzebne) yesterday.

>Perhaps she has been going out with Bob longer than you think.
>She may have been going out with Bob longer than you think.

hehe o minutke mnie wyprzedziłas ;P
Mamy tak samo:)
1) It was not necessary for me to wake up so early, but I did.
I ......... so early.
I didn't need to wake up so early, but I did.

She will probably move to Scotland
LIKELY Scotland

Steve couldn't drive faster because of faulty gear-box
The fault gear-box......
Nie zauważyłam have
więc będzie I didn't have to wake up so early, but I did
I didn't HAVE to wake up so early, but I did.( u latched on :)

She will probably move to Scotland
It's likely that she moves to Scotland.

Steve couldn't drive faster because of faulty gear-box
The faulty gear-box prevented Steve from driving faster.


Porky finally managed to buy him own house after years of saving.
Only ................... to by him his own hou by his own house.
*It's most likely( very likely)
>1) It was not necessary for me to wake up so early, but I did.
> I ...... so early.

W kluczu na pewno by bylo:
I needn't have woken you up so early.

She will probably move to Scotland
It's most/more than likely that she WILL MOVE to Scotland.
"will move to" - oczywiscie :)
też dałbym needn't have woken you up- niepotrzebnie wstałam tak wcześnie, tym bardziej, że jest "I did" w oryginale, co sugeruje użycie "needn't have"

He remembered well all that events taking place when on the stamp.
? ? ?
He remembered well all that events taking place when on the stamp.
Well did he remember all that events taking place when on the stamp.
co do mojego przykladu:
I NEEDN'T HAVE WOKEN UP SO EARLY.(i koniec kropka)
w znaczeniu: nie musiałem, ale to już zrobiłem. DIDN'T HAVE TO lub DIDN'T NEED TO byłoby, gdyby nie było wiadomo (z kontekstu zdania wyjsciowego) czy to zrobił czy nie.
on the stamp - a place where horses stand or some kind of vessel for oil ?
1) James is a lawyer who works for Brown and Sons.
James ......... for Brown and Sons.

2) I dislike Chinese food and so does my sister.

Neither ........... Chinese food.
1) James is a lawyer who works for Brown and Sons.
James works as a lawayer for Brown and Sons.

2) I dislike Chinese food and so does my sister.

Neither I nor my sister like Chinese food.
.. or likes Chinese food ?
klucz: Neither my sister nor I like Chinese food.

bezpieczniej użyć takiej formy i poprawniej (Chyba zawsze tak jest w angielskim np. My sister and I went to the cinema yesterday, not 'I and my sister.')
practice makes perfect:

1) I think it is great to have a big family.
I think ......... great.

2) The jewellery was so valuable that it was kept in a safe.
It ............... it was kept in safe.
polecam próbną maturę :, mi poszło b. dobrze ;D

co do word formation (ktos pytal wyzej) to polecam strony:
-testy multimedialne na tworzenie słów, poziom FCE, czyli zbliżony do maturalnego.
do wypalenia na plyte, lub do podpiecia na virtualnym napedzie:
Anne soon recovered from her cold.

It didn't...
It didn't take long for Anne to recover fom her cold.
would they allow ? : it didn't take Anne long to recover from her cold?

As far as i'm concerned, he's telling the truth.

I've .........he's lying.
i jak matura?? co napisaliscie w pierwszym slowotworstwie? Cautiously czy Incautiously??
pisałem podstawową maturę i zapomnialem podpisac notatki "XYZ" czy to jest blad który powoduje nie sprawdzanie całego zadani?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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