335, to jest oryginalne zapytanie:
Cytat: davvv
dziekuje za poprzednia pomoc :)
mam kolejne pytanie: w jakim czasie powinno byc to zdanie? w past simple czy present perfect?
wiem, ze mnie podejrzewasz ale nie ukradlem tych kluczy
i know that you suspect me but i didn't steal/haven't stolen your keys
nie wnikam, jaki poziom angielskiej gramatyki masz, ale te zdanie, nawet w j. polskim, nie dopuszcza przejscia z konkretnego kontekstu srodowiskowego na ogolny - to, jak ty to zrobiles jest bezsensowna wypowiedzia:
Cytat: 335
To illustrate what's this PP is all about, let’s say that his wife has lost/misplaced the keys many times since she and davv got married.
(In case you have doubts: has lost the keys many times is existential).
Now read the whole thing again from the beginning:
I know you suspect me (of doing something…. on many occasions, existential PP, 335), but I haven’t (have never, even once, 335) taken your keys.
The ushering PP above makes no reference whatsoever to any of the punctual eventualities that took place yeasterday and a week ago.
akurat tutaj, aby wykazac to znaczenie, o ktorym piszesz, nalezy zrobic przeciwnie do tego, co podajesz:
Cytat: 335
The interesting twist is that we don't have to add those never ever, in my life...additions to convey the existential meaning. This reading is there without them.
To recap, this is what was meant to be achieved in this thrad:
I know you suspect me, but I didn't steal your keys.