boil down – tłumaczenie phrasal verb

Tłumaczenie na polski czasownika frazowego boil down wraz z przykładem użycia. ...............

boil down

phrasal verb z czasownikiem boil
  1. skrócić, zawęzić
    boil something down

    Could you boil this down to something we can understand in just a sentence or two?

    We asked the boss to boil it down to something a child would understand, but he managed to confuse us further.

    I've tried to boil it down to the basics for those who aren't experienced in this field.

  2. /if a long statement, argument etc boils down to a single statement, that statement is the main point or cause/

    In the end, it all boils down to our having too much work and too few employees.

    Ultimately, it will boil down to who is prepared to take the necessary risks.

    I knew it would boil down to John's insisting on getting his way. It's always the same.

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