Randka w ciemno, kość niezgody, gwiazdka z nieba, zła passa, promyk nadziei... Jeśli chcecie zabłysnąć znajomością języka nawet przed native speakerami, warto znać na wylot wyrażenia idiomatyczne. Naukę ułatwi nasza obszerna lista z polskimi odpowiednikami i przykładami użycia.
I've kept this under my hat for weeks, but I can now tell you what's going on.
I earn enough money to live well, but the other side of the coin is the stress of the job.
It's time to make up your mind! Either start helping the other tenants with the housework or find somewhere else to live!
Setting up a business is easier said than done. There's always a lot to do.
You'll be on thin ice if you agree to an interview and have to be very careful about what you say.
I couldn't have explained it more precisely. You hit the nail on the head.
I shouldn't have to explain my reason to leave. It goes without saying that this company is getting worse by the day.
We will leave no stone unturned as we look for a way to end the fighting.
You cannot put the future of the business in jeopardy by reckless action. We must deal with this issue carefully.
Your expectations are unrealistic, so stop your crying for the moon and get real!
You shouldn't promise wonders if you can't deliver them. Just be honest with people.
He tells everyone he's a self-made man, but I know he had a lot of financial help from his family.
This is no time to shed blood! Too many have died already, and it is time for peace talks.
My life has been filled with ups and downs, but is becoming more settled as I get older.
I've never taken my health for granted and do all I can to stay fit.
Craig's lack of experience often puts him at a disadvantage when working with older people.
At the moment, this is the best camera on the market at this price.
I'm finally saving some money, little by little. I'm putting a small amount into my bank account each week.
I know it's not fair, but we often have a laugh at George's expense. He does some strange things around the office.
How could you not have heard me? I was shouting at the top of my voice.
Detectives hid in the store for hours, hoping to catch the suspect red-handed.
The taxi will be here at eight o'clock without fail. They've never let me down.
After a week of mild weather, winter returned with a vengeance yesterday.
The boss will be gnashing his teeth in anger when he reads this report.
I can't get a loan because I am a hundred pounds in the red with my bank.
I hear that Ron and Sylvia are going through a bad patch and not speaking to each other.
When I saw you'd brought champagne, I knew you were a man after my own heart. It's my favourite drink.
He's a real computer freak and knows them inside out, so he'll be able to repair my laptop.
You'll have to talk to Peter and make amends for what you did. It would be sad to lose him as a friend.
Any news would ease my mind. I'll be anxious until I hear from them.
I'm sorry, but the book you want is out of print. You might find a copy online.
Turn that music down! It's getting on my nerves and I can hardly think!
This song has been on my brain since I heard it this morning and I can't stop whistling it.
Travelling into the city centre from Monday to Friday is just one of the disadvantages of working in the rat race. I feel like a machine these days.
What can I say so you get the message? I don't want to go out with you!
Not wearing a seat belt is asking for trouble in the event of an accident.
I'd like to pay tribute to Gerald by saying how much we've appreciated his loyalty over the years.
I'll give you a ring later today, so make sure your phone is on.
We plan to change from being a seasonal hotel to being open all year round.
It was so quick. One moment I felt fine, and all of a sudden I had awful stomach pain.
You're wrong about my not liking Ross. As a matter of fact, we've been good friends since school.
Forget about that money you owe me. Just buy me a couple of beers and we'll be quits.
We had planned a quiet time at home but decided on impulse to spend the day at the seaside.
There's no instruction book, so we'll have to figure out the solution intuitively by trial and error.
It's really rude to snap your fingers to get a waiter's attention, as sometimes happens in films.
Mark didn't get the job because he let something slip about his health problems during the final interview.
She heaved a sigh of relief when she heard she wouldn't be losing her job.
Mark's under the illusion that he will become a team manager, but I know differently.
Horror films aren't my cup of tea. I prefer romantic comedies.
Donald made a fool of himself by challenging the boss to a fight in the car park to settle an argument.
I expected to meet only financiers, but there were people from all walks of life.
The ambulance crew tried in vain to revive the victim, and he died at the scene of the accident.
They were rolling in money until the financial crash and had several foreign holidays a year. Now they're unemployed.
Please confirm your offer in writing by the end of next week. Here is our postal address.
Getting a bank loan was the lesser of two evils. We couldn't bear to sell the house.
I'd always wanted to be a writer, so getting a job on the local paper was a dream come true.
I don't have a clue where she left her book. Why do expect me to know?
The heavyweight title is about to change hands for the third time this year.
The press are putting pressure on the minister to resign by publishing a series of critical articles.
Never throw away your notes, because they may later come in handy for revision.
The report sets out the proposals in black and white, so there's no chance of any confusion.
In some countries, you can bypass red tape by offering a bribe to get what you want from the government.
You might get a lesser punishment if you plead guilty and stop denying the charge.
Tom can never stop once he starts and drinks till he sees pink elephants. He often falls over with a glass in his hand.
It was hilarious! My aunt thought the DVD was about tourism, but it was a blue movie featuring three naked couples on a sunny beach.
The victim was literally beaten black and blue and needed medical attention for severe bruising.
Mary is not happy with her marriage. It's a dead-end relationship, according to her close friends.
I'm taking the soft option and staying in my present job. I'm too old for change.
It's getting harder to keep the reporters at bay. They'll get the information sooner or later.
The party was a disaster! I was left stranded with a boring guy who talked about nothing but fishing and nobody came to rescue me.
The boss is always telling me what to do and I'm not allowed to do anything on my own account.
The timing of the race couldn't be better for Simpson, who is at his best and certain to win.
Our holiday plans are still up in the air but we'll have to decide soon on a destination.
Which wine to drink with a meal is always a bone of contention in our house and the arguments can become quite heated.
That name rings a bell. Wasn't he the guy who got really drunk at our party?
We still have plenty of time but let's leave now, just in case. There might be a lot of traffic.
Some of our furniture is looking out of date. The sofa looks like something from the seventies.
My friends are trying to get me to agree to a blind date with a guy they think I'll like, but at the moment I don't even know his name.
I've got to ask the boss if I can take a day off to visit my mother in hospital.
Let's call it a day. We're tired and hungry and need to stop work and go home.
To everybody's relief, he returned safe and sound after driving through the storm.
Police warn that an escaped prisoner is still at large in the Liverpool area. He was last seen in the city centre.
She wants to participate in decisions that influence the local community and likes to have a finger in every pie, including several charities and sports clubs.
At first sight, he seems to be a very competent person, but you'll see his faults when you get to know him.
My boss wanted me to work weekends, but I put my foot down and refused to agree.
Better security procedures are to be put in force early next week.
I thought the issue was unimportant but Mary made a fuss and talked about it for hours.
Don't invite Jeffrey to the party. He has no sense of humour, no conversation and is a total wet blanket.
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jeżeli ktoś ma pdf z powyższym proszę o podesłanie
przydatne byłyby ćwiczenia do tego
Czy ktos zna polski odpowiednik idiomu 'hourses for courses'?
Przepraszam BarbaraM87 czy masz te wszystkie idiomy w jakimś pliku?
Brakuje mi dosłownego tłumaczenia danego idiomu.
Szkoda że nie ma takiej opcji - drukuj, bo trudno jest to ogarnąć samemu. :(
czy ma ktoś może ten plik w pdf lub wordzie? i by się podzielił bo nie da się skopiowac:(
Witam, szkoda że nie ma opcji sugestii tłumaczenia poszczególnych idiomów. #16 ups and downs aż się prosi o wzloty i upadki.
idiomy to już wyższa szkoła jazdy.... myślałem że dla mnie już na zawsze pozostaną tajemnica
ja bym "learn by heart" przetłumaczył: wykuć na blachę a
"go for a song" sprzedać za bezcen.
jak bedzie przecedzanie komara polykanie wielblada?
by niepelnosprawny,org
faktycznie mógłby ten wykaz być w nieco wygodniejszej formie ale ogólnie baza na plus i część nie była mi znana
Czy może ktoś przesłać pik w wordzie bądź pdf? w żaden sposób nie mogę skopiować ;/
poprzednia wersja gdzie można było ćwiczyć idiomy z pamięci (bez podpowiedzi-tłumaczenia) była zdecydowanie lepsza ...szkoda że już jej nie ma...
szkoda, że nie dodano tłumaczenia przykładowych zdań z idiomami
Dla mnie wygodnie jest ustawić sobie po prostu auto klikera i słuchać co lektor mówi. Jest wiele patentów, ale trzeba wpaść pierw na to jaki wykorzystać. Oni te słówka mają zapisane w bazie danych, a z bazy danych wiersze można importować. Potem są wyświetlane na stronie za pomocą odpowiednich zapytań. Gdyby tak można by się tam dostać, ale najłatwiej jest z auto klikerem polecam.
cześć wszystkim ! mógłby się ktoś podzielić tymi idiomami w formie pliku w wordzie ? byłabym wdzięczna ! ;)
nie dziala -nie kupuje
dawno tu nie zaglądałam ale mocno się zdziwiłam nową odsłoną, usunięto najlepszą i najbardziej przydatną formę nauki słówek, była ogromna baza słówek od podstawowych do zaawansowanych w formie pytania o słówko po polsku, i wpisywania w drugim oknie odpowiedzi oraz sprawdzania poprawności po kliknięciu enter (lub spacji juz nie pamietam). Wszystkim te strone polecałam a teraz to widze ze jedynie mozna "probowac" sobie to wydrukowac... pozdrawiam..
mi też kopiuje bez problemów :)
Teraz widzę, że to nie tyle wyszukiwarka nie działa, ile wykaz idiomów jest mocno niekompletny. Na przykład, po wpisaniu "made of money" nic nie wyskakuje, a przecież nie jest to jakiś bardzo rzadko używany idiom...
Co o tym myślicie?
Wyszukiwarka idiomów nie działa!!!!
mi normalnie kopiuje... nie wiem czemu wam nie
Ja normalnie kopiuję to ze strony, ale zaznaczam razem z kolumnami : Słówko, tłumaczenie i Przykład. Wkleja się jako tabelka bez problemu.
juz mówię jak ja kopiuję.otwieram nowy dokument w wordzie.nastepnie kopiuję to ze strony co mnie interesuje i wklejam w dok.z worda.tam jest opcja save as....i mam ikonkę na pulpicie z zawartoscią w środku.pozniej po otwarciu jej mozna to wydrukowac bądź trzymac na pulpicie i uczyc się z tego dokumentu.to jest fajne bo kiedys zapisywałam linki do stron ale bez neta były bezużyteczne.powodzenia.
Jo mom w wordzie ale nie dom
Wspaniałe. Dzięki temu można uniknąć wielu nieporozumień. Zajebista stronka :) Angielski jest super!!! <3
nie da się tego jakoś wydrukować??
a są tu słówka normalne?
Has the cat got your tongue again.
"Fame has the other side of the coin as well." Tu w końcówce może być too?
wiec copy i paste to word/and you can make it yourself;)
ma ktoś to ładnie w tabelce w wordzie ?
w firefox'sie tego nie ma ; /
prawym przyciskiem myszki,print lub print preview i drukujecie:)
Ja mam male pytanko czy to jest poprawne gramatycznie ? The art is magic delivered by the lie to be truth
Kiedyś można było wygenerować tą tabelkę do druku. Czy jest ta opcja nadal dostępna gdzieś tutaj??
to jest za*****te...! kocham angielski!!! i tą stronę.
nie wiecie czy można to jakoś zrzucić na pdf i sobie druknąć? :P
mam prośbę o przetłumaczenie kliku zwrotów są mi bardzo potrzebne ( a nigdzie nie moge znalezc ;( )
-to hear about something passed from one person to another
-air your views
-be at a loss a few words
- drop a hint
- give somebody the low-down
- keep somebody up to date
- to talk about the most importsnt thing
- to give the lates information
- to delay talking about something
- to misunderstand
- to summaries briefly
- to fail to understand anything
- to share similar opinions and ideas
- faced language
-open plan offices
- valauable asset
- inhibited
no właśnie, czy można tak jak kiedyś "uczyć" się słówek? kiedyś się dodawało dane słówka i w kalendarzu się odznaczała ilość, a teraz nie wiem jak to zrobić.
jak to działa? kiedyś dodawało się zestaw który chciało się uczyć i generował się z tego test, jedno wyrażenie po drugim? Czy tego już nie ma?
wejdz na mojetesty.pl tam jest wymowa
Hej. Dopiero się zalogowałam na owym portalu edukacyjnym, no i mam chęć nauki w tym programie, ale mi chodzi o naukę przez słuch! Tzn, żeby można było powtarzać wymowę, zaraz po wysłuchaniu "głośnika". Czy jest taka funkcja na tej stronie? Jeśli tak, to gdzie jej szukać? A jeśli nie ma, to proszę o wpisanie linków do stron na których, taka czynność się znajduje. Z góry serdecznie dziękuję i gorąco pozdrawiam. Anna
O ! Coś takiego właśnie było mi potrzebne.