break down – tłumaczenie phrasal verb

Tłumaczenie na polski czasownika frazowego break down wraz z przykładem użycia. ...............

break down

phrasal verb z czasownikiem break
  1. zepsuć się

    I was late for work again because the bus broke down.

    That's the third time this week that my car has broken down.

    We were lucky that the coach broke down near a small hotel.

  2. rozkleić się, rozpłakać się

    Maria broke down in tears when she heard that her father had died.

    I never thought I could break down like that. The news was a great shock.

    Thanks for being there when I broke down.

  3. kończyć się niepowodzeniem

    The present round of talks broke down yesterday after a heated argument about finance.

    I hear their marriage broke down because Henry was seeing another woman.

    It's always sad when a close relationship breaks down. Are they still speaking to each other?

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