stand up for – tłumaczenie phrasal verb

Tłumaczenie na polski czasownika frazowego stand up for wraz z przykładem użycia. ...............

stand up for

phrasal verb z czasownikiem stand
  1. stanąć w czyjejś obronie, poprzeć kogoś
    stand up for somebody

    I might have lost my job if my manager hadn't stood up for me and told the truth.

    Peter would surely have been in trouble with his teacher but for a fellow pupil who stood up for him.

    I'd like to thank those who stood up for me when I was accused of stealing from the office.

  2. bronić, stawać w obronie (przekonań, praw, itp.)
    stand up for something

    My party will always stand up for fairness and justice.

    We must stand up for workers' rights and end exploitation.

    More people should stand up for what they think is right.

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