Zestaw 2500 słówek i wyrażeń przydatnych na studiach filologii angielskiej oraz osobom uczącym się angielskiego na zaawansowanym poziomie.
The electorate of Poland has once again decided to choose a communist government.
He would often sit and reflect on the vicissitudes of his life.
David Shayler, the MI5 whistle-blower, is taking his case to the European Court of Human Rights.
I wish you'd stop politicizing about Gerald's birthday being a great moment for the state and just give him your best wishes
I think Anna's saying about Gerald's birthday being a great moment for the state was rather politic considering her own forthcoming candidacy to be elected Gerald's party!
When the prime minister announced that he was increasing pensions, some people accused him of already indulging in electioneering and not really being concerned about the plight of the elderly!
The problem with the Liberal Democrats is that their policies are so wishy-washy.
Some people say that the new committee set up to study government inefficiency will not really find anything wrong as it is just a quango and not really separate from the government!
Most of the people in my constituency vote Tory, but I never will!
The union members were asked to vote in a ballot for a new leader.
The prime minister hoped that the increase in overall taxes would be offset for pensioners by an increase in their pensions so that they at least didn't suffer.
Many people accuse the government of being entrenched in their taxation policy, refusing to listen to common sense!
The most irritating thing about politicians is their sanctimonious preaching about family values.
The government having finally decided to cut taxes, the opposition has decided to follow suit and make it one of their policies as well.
Einstein's theory of relativity is very complex and needs dumbing down a little if the ordinary public is to understand it.
Some accuse the Labor party of having lots of spin doctors, practiced in the art of making clever sounding speeches.
I think the Conservative party often panders to the baser desires of the public.
In the last two elections, though particularly the last one, the Labor party has achieved a landslide majority.
The lowering of taxes is a subject which the present treasurer seems to treat as his own personal hobbyhorse, almost ignoring all other aspects of the economy.
Listen, sunshine, lets have less horse trading and more principled actions based on loyalty, okay?
It's no use trying to curry favor with me by offering to do the dishes, you can't go out and that is that!
~ conducts U.S. intelligence and counterintelligence missions overseas.
~ was vivid during the 1960s, mostly in the segregated cities of the Southern United States.
the United States enjoyed ~ over the Soviet Union until the late 1950s.
~ has been used since the Cuban Missile Crisis.
We still hope for successful ~ between USA and Afghanistan.
~ often deals with important subjects - international postal and copyright laws, for example, of the law of the sea.
It consists of his deputy chief of mission, heads of all important embassy sections, and the chiefs of all other elements (military, agricultural, aid, information, and cultural, etc.) working under him in the "embassy community".
US embassies all over the world received dispatches telling them to beware of anonymous mail.
After the termination of the conflict, we wait for a gradual ~.
The ~ are having a debate right now.
The ~ process can last for tens of years after a war.
Most civilised countries lead ~ nowadays.
One soldier was shot yesterday while he mounted guard in a ~.
Senator Wellstone is a true statesman.
Politicking is forbidden on election day.
Election day will be on the first Thursday of November.
The country will go to the polls and choose the best man.
Is it a good idea for unions to get involved in party politics?
All members must vote according to the party line.
Most newspapers appear to be partisan.
Dużo "literówek" i kilka poważniejszych błędów.
nursery school - oznacza również ŻŁOBEK (tak podaje słownik Cambridge), kindergarten - tłumaczy się jako PRZEDSZKOLE.
Jeśli dla niektórych z Państwa brak polskiego tłumaczenia, to co robicie na tym dziale, skoro jest to dla studentów filologii? Skoro student filologii jest poziomu B2/C1 powinien, jak nie musi, być w stanie zrozumieć znaczenie
z kontekstu. Jeśli znów rozchodzi się o wymowę, to jakim problemem jest wejść na stronę słownika takiego jak, longman, czy oxford, wpisać słowo i przeczytać transkrypcję/odsłuchać wymowę? Wystarczy odrobinę pomyśleć i odpowiedź się sama nasunie. ;) Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Na jaki poziomie są te słówka ? Czy ich znajomość jest potrzebna do zdawania CAE ?
Wielka szkoda że, nie ma możliwości wydruku w pdf...
No właśnie w pdf by się przydało ;)
ma ktoś te wszystkie słówka w PDF ??
Zdania w przykładach są proste, co tu tłumaczyć? Zwłaszcza na tym poziomie. Ja bym raczej poprosiła o wymowę słówek. Czasem akcent albo głoska wymówiona nie tak -i klapa. Ale to drobiazg. Strona świetna, dziękuję i pozdrawiam.
Jest napisane, że to dla osób, które myślą o języku poważnie. Ucząc się zaawansowanego słownictwa, przeważnie już na poziomie B2/C1 rozumie się podaną po ang. definicję. Nie ma zatem co marudzić. :)
Moim zdaniem jeżeli ktoś już jest na filologii to powinien znać podstawowe zdania, sformułowania czy słowa jakie zostały zastosowane w tych przykładach słów ciut bardziej unikalnych, jak dla mnie bajka. Świetna strona, pozdrawiam.
Brak. Mnie np brakuje tłumaczenia zdania. I to jest też głównie największy problem w książkach. Tłumaczy się słówko a nie całe zdanie. I przez to niby zastosowanie jest - no jest... ale niepełne.
Genialny pomysł, ale nieprecyzyjne wykonanie...brak polskich tłumaczeń utrudnia pracę.