Zestaw 2500 słówek i wyrażeń przydatnych na studiach filologii angielskiej oraz osobom uczącym się angielskiego na zaawansowanym poziomie.
The decision of the government to make students pay for their university education has caused considerable furore in academic circles.
Have you noticed the way Professor Blackwell looks at his students? He really gives me the creeps.
There's nothing worse than being stuck in a classroom with 15 snotty school kids.
In order to finance his doctoral work, he put in a few semesters as a teacher's assistant. I don't even think the professors ever look at our essays. They just get their T.A.s to do it all. We'd hoped to have access to Tannen herself, but most lectures
Sure, all the eggheads are voting for Stevenson, but how many eggheads are there? Eggheads unite! You have nothing to use but your yolks.
I was alarmed when it appeared as though an intern would be performing Dad's triple bypass. The interns always get stuck with the dirtiest job. Well, I guess somebody's gotta do it!
An old and rather odd tradition at Oxford is for Professors to go skinny-dipping in the Cherwell before breakfast.
Hang on a second. Let me jot that date down. I have a terrible memory.
He decided that joining a fraternity would be a foot in the door to postgrad networking. I survived Kappa Delta's killer 10keg sorority bash last weekend, dude. Unreal!
The private Higher School of Coś Tam next door depends largely on adjunct faculty. The Civil War was the first to see railroads used as an adjunct to military operations.
You'll have to excuse Jorguś's behavior; I'm afraid he's our resident class clown.
Man, you missed it! There was a food fight in the dining hall yesterday. Flying Twinkies! I usually study in the cafeteria; it's quieter than the library. Yes sir, Sarge. We'll report to the canteen for K.P. duty on the double.
Get a load of this: my girlfriend is a penologist! I really have to watch my step!
The creation of "drug-free zones" introduced stiffer penalties for possession of controlled substances and weapons on or within 500yds. of school grounds. The first two years I lived in the dorm but then I moved off campus.
Thanks a lot, tattle-tale! You got me into a heap of trouble when you told on me! There goes the snitch now, making a beeline for Principal Wallace's office. Let's get him!
It's prudent to charm the Novum porters after all, they do hold the keys to the kingdom.
Ugh! Looks like Ewa is going to be the teacher's pet once again this year.
The janitor swept the halls every morning and fired up the furnace before the students arrived.
Marek's such a swot! He'd rather sit at home reading Brumfit than go to the U2 concert.
Thank God the proctors turned a blind eye! If not for those crib notes I'd be repeating the year!
We skipped the lecture and went for a beer. Iza was supposed to sit an exam this morning but she just blew it off.
What a yob! He doesn't even know that one should always remember to thank one's hostess!
I still haven't heard from the foundation whether my grant will be extended or not.
The bully terrorized the smaller boys into doing his bidding. The Taliban has called the US a "world bully". He loved to bully his younger brother.
Her excessive truancy resulted in her being suspended from studies. Shouldn't you be in class right now? You're not playing hooky again, are you?
My roommate is such a grind! She's always studying like mad.
His research paper failed since fully half of it was cribbed straight from Sarett and Foster. She was caught trying to crib answers from her neighbor during the exam.
Actually, a student who failed to appear for a test but has a documented excuse for the absence is entitled to 'make up' the missed test.
Mom! Eddie broke my yellow crayon in two! Grandma gave our twoyear-old a new 16-pack of crayons.
Going to curl up with War and Peace? Don't be such a bookworm, come see the film with us.
If all you do is try to cram for the exam, you might pass but you won't retain a whole lot. They were up all night with their lists, cramming for the vocabulary test.
Well, Bolek, looks like we'll be seeing you in September at the resit. Students who failed or had low scores were offered an opportunity to retake the test.
You're attire's very smart today - have you got an interview
Having donned his hat, Gerald decided it was time to leave!
I'm surprised the contestant got that question wrong - I thought the answer was quite blatant!
Investing for one's future seems like a sound idea to me.
Blaming the poor for their poverty seems hardly equitable to me.
I've had enough of your chicanery why can't you be less deceitful for a change?
Plants won't flourish unless you water them!
I cannot inculcate upon you enough that you must think about your future!
As neither Gerald nor his wife had red hair, they could only assume that their baby's red hair was a throwback to Gerald's Celtic origins?
Only once you have studied law for many years and are truly learned may you become a judge.
It's difficult to give an accurate appraisal of the situation following the earthquake, but things do look bad.
One should always abide by the law, no matter how unreasonable it is!
The possibility of the company being sued is precluded by this clause here...
After studying very hard, Gerald passed his exams with flying colors!
Going out for a drink on one's eighteenth birthday is almost considered a rite of passage by some people in Britain!
Dużo "literówek" i kilka poważniejszych błędów.
nursery school - oznacza również ŻŁOBEK (tak podaje słownik Cambridge), kindergarten - tłumaczy się jako PRZEDSZKOLE.
Jeśli dla niektórych z Państwa brak polskiego tłumaczenia, to co robicie na tym dziale, skoro jest to dla studentów filologii? Skoro student filologii jest poziomu B2/C1 powinien, jak nie musi, być w stanie zrozumieć znaczenie
z kontekstu. Jeśli znów rozchodzi się o wymowę, to jakim problemem jest wejść na stronę słownika takiego jak, longman, czy oxford, wpisać słowo i przeczytać transkrypcję/odsłuchać wymowę? Wystarczy odrobinę pomyśleć i odpowiedź się sama nasunie. ;) Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Na jaki poziomie są te słówka ? Czy ich znajomość jest potrzebna do zdawania CAE ?
Wielka szkoda że, nie ma możliwości wydruku w pdf...
No właśnie w pdf by się przydało ;)
ma ktoś te wszystkie słówka w PDF ??
Zdania w przykładach są proste, co tu tłumaczyć? Zwłaszcza na tym poziomie. Ja bym raczej poprosiła o wymowę słówek. Czasem akcent albo głoska wymówiona nie tak -i klapa. Ale to drobiazg. Strona świetna, dziękuję i pozdrawiam.
Jest napisane, że to dla osób, które myślą o języku poważnie. Ucząc się zaawansowanego słownictwa, przeważnie już na poziomie B2/C1 rozumie się podaną po ang. definicję. Nie ma zatem co marudzić. :)
Moim zdaniem jeżeli ktoś już jest na filologii to powinien znać podstawowe zdania, sformułowania czy słowa jakie zostały zastosowane w tych przykładach słów ciut bardziej unikalnych, jak dla mnie bajka. Świetna strona, pozdrawiam.
Brak. Mnie np brakuje tłumaczenia zdania. I to jest też głównie największy problem w książkach. Tłumaczy się słówko a nie całe zdanie. I przez to niby zastosowanie jest - no jest... ale niepełne.
Genialny pomysł, ale nieprecyzyjne wykonanie...brak polskich tłumaczeń utrudnia pracę.