What about emigration?

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I would like to ask this simple question because I\' m toying with the idea of going abroad pernamently...and being a curious person I think that it\'s always better to ask some more orientated people.Imagine that you are living in Poland...perhaps you don\'t need a lot of imagination:-) and you know a little bit of English...you have some work experience...to search or not to search for a job in England or elsewhere?Or maybe go unprepared hoping for a miracle to happen?
Well.. personally belive that it depends what sort of person you are and what would be your motivation for the emigration.

If it is only the financial prospect... I wouldn\'t bother to leave Poland because unless you have a job in demand ( doctor, chemist etc) or a splendid foreign(Brit,Usa) education + years of professional experience, you will have very small chances and you will have to to count only on a sheer luck, which is very very rare...
In May 2004 14,000 Poles left for UK. But the end of July 8,000 of those were already back in Poland.
So don\'t be one more who went to UK looking for fortune there.... It\'s NOT WORTH IT...

But if your motivation is deeper and the main reason is that you want to change mind-setting or you never found yourself very well adjusted in the Polish culture, and you are capable to live outside Polish getto, Polish district abroad.....and you will be able become a citizen in a diffrent culture than... the emigration might be the best choice.

I have few questions. Firstly I would like to know where are you living know. I grand that you know a lot about England at all. I would like to live few years in England but as you know it`s quite expensive to live for example in London. If it is possible I would like either to study and to work (part-time or something like that). I read (\"Newsweek\") that there is a demand for plumbers :) I considered to learn how to be a plumber before I would leave for England :) Eheee, but it is only a dream:P I am aware that it is quite difficult to find a well paid job in England... What do you suggest??? I begin to understand that without money (parents with money) you don`t have any opportunity to become well educated. Suppouse I am a good student but my parents don`t earn enought for helping me, what can I do? It is said that you don`t need to have money to finish studies or something like that... But the true is... I am finishing high school this year and because of that I am interested in your experiences. I would like to make the best out of it. I am going to study economy. What do you think about it? Perhaps I should change my decision???
>(\"Newsweek\") that there is a demand for plumbers :) I considered to
>learn how to be a plumber before I would leave for England :

Jestes kolego pierwszym tu gosciem, ktory nie chce pracowac w biurze :) No to pare slow zachety ode mnie: Good for you. Prawda jest taka, ze jak bedziesz niezlym hydraulikiem to smialo mozesz ruszac w swiat w ciemno. Szczegolnie do Europy Zachodniej i Ameryki Pn. Nie tylko sobie poradzisz, ale bedziesz zarabial niezla kase i bez niczyjej laski tzn nie bedziesz szukal \'employer\'ow\' tylko bedziesz szukal klientow, a raczej klienci Ciebie. Uniwersytety sa fajne i dobrze isc, ale one same w sobie sa dobrymi business\'ami robiacymi kase, a masy wyksztalconych mlodych ludzi laduja tu i tam, ale z reguly bez kasy, ale z niezlym ladunkiem frustracji i na pewno duzym dlugiem na start. To nie znaczy, ze wszyscy maja zostac hydraulikami i elektrykami, ale jesli mozesz, a jeszcze lepiej, jesli mozesz i chcesz zostac elektrykiem lub hydraulikiem to po paru latach praktyki bedziesz zarabial kilka razy wiecej niz pospolity biurokrata. Musisz tez brac pod uwage, ze pracujac bezposrednio z klientami czesto bedziesz bral gotowke, a to oznacza prawie podwojna kase (no one knows/no taxes). Musisz zdawac sobie sprawe, ze ludzie zatrudnieni na etat maja odprowadzane podatki u zrodla (employer to robi), a podatki nie sa male. Ktos mowi, ze zarabia 60 tys dol rocznie (wiekszosc bialych kolnierzykow tylko marzy o takich pieniadzach), ale podaja brutto. Jesli placi podatek 40% to zarabia tylko 36 tys. Przecietnego hydraulika takie pieniadze nie podniecaja. Uwierz you me, ze pracy i pieniedzy Ci nie zabraknie. Gdzie tylko nie pojedziesz bedziesz praktycznie samowystarczalny bo bazujacy na wlasnych umiejetnosciach i torbie z narzedziami - wszedzie je mozesz zabrac. Ang. masz dobry i jesli tak mowisz jak piszesz to nie masz sie o co martwic. Moja pewnosc nie wynika tu z faktu, ze jestem hydraulikiem bo nie jestem, ale mam dobre zrodla i wiem. No worries, mate. Ciao.
Hmmm, oops. It\'s the English-Only Section..sorry for having spoken here in my favourite language; not gonna happen again ;)
>Uniwersytety sa fajne i dobrze isc, ale one same w sobie sa dobrymi >business\'ami robiacymi kase, a masy wyksztalconych mlodych ludzi laduja >tu i tam, ale z reguly bez kasy, ale z niezlym ladunkiem frustracji i na >pewno duzym dlugiem na start.

Ojjjjjj taaakk... Yes. I can see it on every day basis. Universities make a good business these days. The economy is in recession, but e.g. Berkeley University accepts more students than ever!!!
The students usually recruit among those unemplyed and fired recently dot commas who spend the last penny for education... And all of that is thanks to the cunning educational advertising process called NATIONAL RANKING OF TOP SCHOOLS. As a result University expands and builts even a new whole campus... The only problem is that the Career Center at University offers bearly anything for those who just graduate... BUT University tutions sucked out every cent from their pockets for sure...

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyy!!! Pierwszy raz widze , ze Valiant Vampire pisze cos po polsku na tym orum !!!! SENSACJA! :)))))))))))

I must say here that I have no much idea about situation of plumbers in UK... But as a young person from Poland you have certainly more chances to succeed as a plumber than as a white collar worker there...
I don\'t see anything wrong with working as a plumber. Job as good as any other...
You must be very multi-talented and skillful person. I have no much choice but to resort to the office or services enviroment because.... I am a MANUAL DISASTER:)))))))) Among my friends in Uk, here are still jokes around about the situation from years ago when I replaced my friend- waitress when she took a week off. The chef told her afterwards that he agreed for somebody who would WAITER BUT NOT for walking encyclopedia with shaking hands :)) Well... let\'s say I broke few glasses... (blushing)
The best would be, perhaps, if you begin as an apprentice, or a helper for some local plumber and this way you can learn the trade&work at the same time!
Yes London is pretty expensive but you can also charge mmore over there. But hej... in the end not only LONDON is in UK...
Unlike Poland, in UK the educational is pretty flexible in colleges and most schedules are also designed for working students so you will be able to work at night.

More important detail is if you feel up to emigration... In my opinion emigration has only sense if you are prepared for total assimilation with another culture. Part of you will stay Polish, of course, but the whole sense of emigration is immersion in the foregin culture and definitely not staying in Polish getto. If you want to hang out with Polish community in UK, perhaps would be better to stay in Poland and leave the jobs for the Brits.
Have you ever seen or met a woman-plumber-electrician?How much did she earn?:-)
I\'m still in Poland only because I didn\'t have a possibility good enough to tempt me to do so.I\'m not quite sure if I will be able to change my mind-setting but I must admit that I\'m definitely not very well adjusted in Poland so perhaps my case isn\'t hopeless...
Br you omitted something in your response,I don\'t want to be fussy but in your first sentence ...\"I didn\'t have a possibility good enough to emigrate\"should be, shouldn\'t it?
I stand corrected, thanks!
I\'d say come to the UK, if you are fed up with Poland. Ther shouldn\'t be a problem with finding a good job, provided you look for it ( don\'t count on friends, who might say \" I\' ll try to fix sth for you\" - most of them won\'t do so, believe me! ). If you don\'t like it here, you can always go back.
I am here just for a while, working in 2 places and didn\'t have a problem getting a job. The best way is to go to the neariest jobcentre ( I think www.jobcentre.gov.uk or .gov.co.uk- check it) and speak to the staff. They\'re usually nice and even call employers to arrange intereviews. Good luck to those eager to come and live here !!! Feel free to ask me any questions, which I hope I\'ll be able to answer.
Thank you for writing so encouragingly! Tell me how come you went to the U.K.?A coincidence? Friends or family?Your private interests?Did you rent a flat or a room after or before arriving?Or maybe you\'re happy enough to share a room with somebody who was there first?And what\'s your job?Thanks in advance!
Not quite sure how I stumbled across this, but asn Englishman it appears that some Polish people have developed unfounded views. If your English is good enough and you have employment skills you should not feel at any disadvantage by not being British. I suppose there are more opportunities open to skilled trades but don\'t be mislead by such comments. As members of the EU it will make life a lot easier for the movement of workers. Good luck to you!
yet another Brit convinced that life is perfect and in UK everybody is just waiting to give you a job...especially as a white collar worker...
White collar workers don\'t do manual work. You probably meant blue collar workers because that\'s what \"the Brit\" was talking about.
Nobody said life was perfect in UK. As a matter of fact, do you know of a country that has a\"perfect\" life in store for you? It\'s what you make of it and if you have trade skills to show for and you bring those with you from Poland, that\'s half the battle right there.
I know exactly the diffrence. I was sarcastic when I said ... especially white collar work.

It is rather sweeping statement: it is obvious that nowhere is perfect....
aaaaaah...I see. And how clever of you! I admire the subtlety of your sarcasm!
I\'m not sure I expressed myself very well then. I was just making the point that finding a job in the UK is a realistic possibility. I don\'t think for one minute that the UK is a perfect place to be. Personally I am fed up with being on this crowded island. I visited Poland recently and could quite easily think of emmigrating if there was no language barrier. Maybe New Zealand...
Well, I\'m not very convinced about this easy life and these opportunities but thanks for an insider\'s view anyway...
New Zealand...mhm nice idea...
I am just being sarcastic, that\'s all....
What can I say? think twice about immigrating to New Zealand... Bloody expensive, long and expensive way to Poland, the end of the world, you have to be really skilled to get a good job etc etc. Honestly i am here by sheer luck - my husband\'s decision and his great skills. I have only good english which gives me some chances but with only that i wouldn\'t stand a chance in getting work permit. There is no point in getting here only with finished studies - they prefer experience. So if you are for example a plumber or electrician - you are welcome here - still you have to remember to check if your specialisation needs some additional courses or exams in New Zealand. So prepare to spend lots of money... Good country but i bet there are better opportunities elsewhere. Of course it depends what you are looking for - if it\'s nice and quiet life without any extravagances and no easy reach new technology then - welcome on board :-)
Thank you, Kasiul , for the warning.I am, unfortunately, neither an electritian nor a plumber and I very regret it!Perhaps it\'s time for learning something really useful:).I also must add that I\'m a lazy type-so N.Zealand seems out of reach.But I WOULD LIKE to visit this country very much so perhaps we will meet one day or the other...
Don\'t be so pessimistic! Always look at the bright side of life....:)
My pleasure :-) Nasty thing this immigration service. Leaves you with washed brain and a wallet :-) Yeah, maybe we will meet someday :-) I love Abel Tasman NAtional Park but you cannot be lazy if you want to go there - beautiful views and wild nature requires lots of walking... But it\'s worth it...
My laziness is restricted to hard work that I don\'t enjoy doing, walking is o.k.as long as I \'m in the mountains:)And I don\'t like being broke.Definitely not.See you then!
I\'m not a pessimist I\'m a realist-wake up, life isn\'t so nice!
hard work? it depends - if you can get a job where you will need to work as hard as most of Kiwis do - then you are saved :-) Still remember when one of my hubby\'s mates in work was asked to work bit harder or find another job... What did he do? Found another job :-)
Right he was! That\'s the best option, at least for me:)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 438
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