I wouldn't be so sure about this having a lot of money to set up a business - but i am talking about those funny one employee firms - as my brother did. He registered himself as a company :-) - he is a bossssss and everything - and right now after taxes and all kinds of gizmos he earns 3 000+ per month. But he used to work for about 5 years for about 1200 per month... But you do everything to gain experience, so... right now he's got money... And he is thinking about getting his "company" bigger... employ some people and so on and so on...
But anyway it is very sad situation when you are spending basically your whole day at work and you are paid so small money that you have no opportunity to start a life on your own, or you have to make choices such as in this month i will buy school notebook ( i am not talking about computer thing but what is called in polish zeszyt - just to make things clearer :-) ) for my son and next month i will buy new pair of socks. That sucks!!!!!!! So i am happily somewhere else :-)