What about emigration?

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BTW - about the fate and things :-) You should watch The Butterfly Effect movie... It's about what if you could change things in the past... And very good solution... One of those not so many movies on my must-see-Kasiool-The-Soothsayer-List :-) Next one is Spielberg's AI...
Tell me the title of this film and who directed it- this about the butterfly effect, or perhaps it is the title?
Yep, that's the title and here is the site about it :-) http://www.butterflyeffectmovie.com/ I am too lazy to find director's name - just got back from work and my beloved tomato soup is waiting :-) :-) :-)
Thanks, I 'll visit this site in my first free evening....maybe next year?:( I've got so much work that I don't know what should I do first...
If you don't like to work a lot , don't move from Poland- it could be only worse....
?????????????? Are you feelin' ok normal?????
Are trying to imply that you work less in New Zealand than you used to work in Poland?Everyone is telling me quite the opposite- that as an immigrant you must be prepared to work twice as much as the others to be appreciated...or maybe I should change my nick:)?
Which sentence give you an idea that i work less????? You must be prepared - that is true but i'd rather say it depends. Here is not so difficult to show your employer that you are a good worker - Kiwis are rather not so good - so we, Europeans, are welcomed... Basically - if you do your job properly and on time you are very good and skillful employee :-)
Thanks Kasiul, now I'm felling o.k.
I'm glad to hear that, Normal :-)
Great. Go. But don't just think about going to London and the area around London. The competition to find jobs is stronger there. Somewhere like Nottingham or Leeds (a brilliant city) has easier short-term opportunities, better jobs, a cheaper lifestyle and much, much cheaper places to stay.
It's your own experience or just a hearsay?Give me some details-where have you been, what have you done?
I'm not very keen on big cities like London- too many headaches waiting every day to happen...;)
Have you read the article that Poles are likety to work longer than anybody else in the world? I can`t belive it! Can it be true? Ok, as far as my brother is concerned it totally true but he is a exception. On the other hand, we are not so effective as for instance the French or the Germans etc. In a result we have to work longer hours. It`s sad but true :( What is your attitude towards your work? Are you a kind of person, who take any chance not to work or a peson, who will have everything always perfectly done???? Be perfectly candid I try to give my best but unfortunately I am sometimes a bit lazy... :P
Likely to work longer... In Poland it could be because of employment market ie more employees than jobs so you do everything to keep the job (in most cases of course...) And abroad? Because in civilized countries you have something nice like overtime - so you get paid 150%-200% for extra hours of work... And if you are immigrant you probably need to buy a house or furnitures etc etc so you need extra money - ""locals" don't need it cause they live here for the whole life - they have families here and so on and so on... Or they just rent fully furnished houses or apartments - they don't think in a longer time perspective that they are paying in 5 years time more money for someone's else stuff... They just see what they have to pay right now... Of course i am referring to Kiwis right now :-)
I usually work really long hours and I'm not a "workaholic type":I work because otherwise I will be down and out.I don't know if I could work longer/more efficiently, but I would like to test myself abroad , as all who visit this forum know only too well, especially Kasiulek:))))
There is a big problem in Poland... You can work 12 hours a day, try to give your best and earn 600 PLN (I know such a girl, who works in a news-stand). In a result your wages don`t depend on how long you work. It is sad but it`s true. Because of that so many people go abroad for few years. There aren`t many opportunieties in Poland at all. You must be very good if you want to have a good job (sometimes it isn`t enough). Unless you are a business shark and you can work on your own (but to set up a company you should have a lot of money).
I wouldn't be so sure about this having a lot of money to set up a business - but i am talking about those funny one employee firms - as my brother did. He registered himself as a company :-) - he is a bossssss and everything - and right now after taxes and all kinds of gizmos he earns 3 000+ per month. But he used to work for about 5 years for about 1200 per month... But you do everything to gain experience, so... right now he's got money... And he is thinking about getting his "company" bigger... employ some people and so on and so on...
But anyway it is very sad situation when you are spending basically your whole day at work and you are paid so small money that you have no opportunity to start a life on your own, or you have to make choices such as in this month i will buy school notebook ( i am not talking about computer thing but what is called in polish zeszyt - just to make things clearer :-) ) for my son and next month i will buy new pair of socks. That sucks!!!!!!! So i am happily somewhere else :-)
Kasiulek is very understanding and patient animal :-) Anyway - do you know this joke????? Sisyph and Edyp meet in Bronx:
- yo, rolling stone
- yo mother fucker
:-) :-) :-) I almost fell off my chair today when i heard that one :-) :-) And surprising thing was that it was told by Kiwi - he knows mythology a bit!!!!! I'm impressed!!!!!!
Or maybe he just heard that and repeated - anyway i had a very good fit of laugh :-)
I had a good laugh too- thank you for this pearl of humour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!By the way I've been really keen on ancient Greece culture and mythology...when I had the time.
>> Sisyph and Edyp..

Nice try but no cigar :) It's Sisyphus and Oedipus.
Whatever - i don't use mythological names in writing :-) I'm rather stuck up with Samoan names... As now i know that they were Sisyphus and Oedipus i can reveal something - i don't smoke so i am not gonna cry over this cigar :-) :-) :-)
BTW - about typos and written english - best of the week from my work place :-) - i was completely lost with that one - i got a confirmation of the purchase of 5 roller way bad... Should be rollaway bed :-) :-) :-)
Many can criticise, few can do better- I hate these types criticising every little mistake of others and doing plenty of them themselves.
I hope it's not about me making fun of bads :-) :-) :-) Well, at least i tried to tell a joke - and if you understood that then i am -yuppiayyey- happy :-) I'm not gonna let some dorks to ruin my day - it's not worth it :-)
And this silly cigar prize - am i giving a birth to a baby or what????? haha :-) Anyway just watched Japanese, original version of "Ring" - nice that one... Really nice...
'The Ring' is a very good film. Unfortunately, I saw only the american version (why is it that if someone invents or makes a good film then the Americans buy it and try to do it better). I can remember that night, we were 5 person, sitting together, it was dark... It was fun, especially when I tried to scarry the girls :)
It was the comment for this Mastermouth dude/doll!Of course not for you.
I used to be a really big fan of Tolkien and his epic book but after the release of the film ....it's too popular to be interesting any more, at least for me.And when I saw THIS guy who plays Frodo, I almost fainted!!!If he is a hobbit, I'm an elf hahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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211-240 z 438