Ok ,since you are the same "mid-night oil burner" like me. You know it's nothing special , thousands of people lose their limbs every single day but this is the completely different world they have to live in since they become non-bipeds , so to speak.
I don't know what struck me on that faitful day to go down to the shop floor where the forklift truck crushed me agaist the wall. I was only able to jump up in the last instant and saved my life this way.I collapsed to the ground and saw my leg all squashed and messed up. I started bleeding like hell but fortunately was conscious enough to clamp my jeans belt around my thigh and cinch it tightly.I even rememeber that I took sig and was trying to joke , ,stupid schmuck I was. When an ambulance arrived I could only catch snatches of the conversation like" he's not gonna make it , we must call for the helicopter".
Forgive me if I stop at this point.I can only add that I made it finally. I found out later that I lost three litres of blood. In the hospital they actually didn't try to put my leg together but they were fighting about my live. So I can probably say that it was a close thing I would've "pushed up daises" but it's still difficult for to get through all of this .. don't want to accept it but know that I have to.
I've been thinking a lot about what happened to me .. It turns out that we all turn to God and start thinking about sense of this life when we have a brush with dead.The only conclusion that came to me is that you never know what future has in store for us and we have to make the most of this life every single day coz we don't actually have much time.
That's one man's story.