Przyimek up

Oto lista wybranych wyrażeń przyimkowych z up:

Prepositional phrase Translation Example
playup to date aktualny playAre you sure the information about the visit is up to date? Yesterday I heard that the prince passed away.
play(it's) up to you to zależy od ciebie, jak chcesz play- When should I start work?
- It's up to you.
playup and down ran na wozie, raz pod wozem (raz lepiej, raz gorzej) play- How's life?
- You know, up and down.
playup the spout stracony, zmarnowany playBecause of the accident all plans of winning the championship went up the spout.
playup to no good mieć coś złego w zamiarach, nie wróżyć niczego dobrego playIt seems to be too quiet. I'm afraid the children are up to no good.


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