Profil użytkownika engee30 - wpisy na forum

10381-10410 z 11061
>1.czy to zdanie jest poprawne? >"They shouldn't have been used until people strat paying for them.' >mialo to oznacza ze nie powinny byc uzywane dopoki ludzie nie zaczna &g…
A far as I know, we can use SHOULD in a that-clause (after 'be' + adjective) when we talk about our own reaction to something we are reporting after a number of adjectives describing feeling…
We should have predicted that our team WOULD lose once again.…
Now that we are agreed about the matter, all we can do is wait for martunia's reply.…
The question is, are you writing about 'possibility' as 'prawdopodobieństwo, że taki ośrodek może powstać', or 'possibilities' as 'potencjał, jaki już ten ośrodek po…
'training will be provided' is 'szkolenie (pod kątem konkretnej pracy) zostanie przeprowadzone'…
'office cleaner' is 'sprzątacz/ka w biurze', żaden manago or something…
develop (over time) = rozwijać się (z czasem) bear or stand = znosić, wytrzymywać 'can't bear/stand' attract (business) = przyciągać (inwestorów) form = tworzyć (np. miejsca pracy)…
...had to go on War Work instead. In the above sentence 'War Work' is NOT a 'war' of any kind - the name 'War Work' means in that situation working in a factory producin…
I couldn't do it better!…
You can say: I am going TO war ON poverty. which means I'm going to fight with poverty also The USA declared war ON Japan in the past.…
also 'wnioskowanie, dedukcja'…
I'm going to war for (my) honour and ambition. that is I'm going to fight for my honour and ambition, which I may have lost OR I'm going to war of honour and ambition. that is I'…
'in front of' means 'przed' 'at/in the front of' means 'na przodzie/z przodu'…
fit into the context…
Yeah, you're right, terri - there are women in this world that are really dangerous towards men, just like you, I guess... ;-@…
ludojad, ludożerca…
That's all I was able to find about the topic: expostulation (formal) synonyms objection, remonstrance = sprzeciw, protest ...throwing out his hands in expostulation. ...wymachując swoimi ręk…
Well, I am all for saying 'in the front of the car' - it's more common to say like that. Check this out: Jump in, there's plenty of room in the front of the car. (inside) Look, t…
There's another prepositional phrase worth mentioning: 'on the front/back of something' means 'on the surface of something'. Cf. I wrote my name on the back of the photograp…
As far as I know, you can use them both interchangeably sometimes. However, I used to be taught that: you should say 'at the front/back of something' when something/somebody is outside a…
e.g. to take a career break of 3 years to raise a family…
I took the liberty of providing my version: Development possibilities of recreational facilities based on the example of Skanda Lake In Olsztyn.…
of course kamerzyści, NOT kamerzysta…
kamerzysta będący wraz z jakimś reporterem/jakąś reporterką podczas kręcenia wiadomości, zazwyczaj w plenerze…
the exam results… show {} ways of improving... - you don't need to use the definite article here because you're not writing about particular ways of improving the facilities yet, you're writing in …
cf. = compare (Latin 'confer', OR British cp) [;-T]…
Well, in general, it is possible to use the present simple and the present perfect simple interchangeably after the conjunctions 'when', 'as soon as', 'until', etc., e.g.…
No, you can't say 'UNTIL they have cooked' in that sentence, which would mean something like: 'aż się (same, czyli ziemniaki) ugotują' tzn. wejdą do gara i ugotują się. ;-) …
10381-10410 z 11061