hmm niech ktoś coś napisze z głowy bez słowników ..i wtedy jest ok .hmm Now I'm off to please my future wife ( it is desputed ) :( frankly
I got better things to do like cutting my turned n…
'It will be better for them for sure' (to jest bardzo Amerykanskie jak dla mnie)....
Surely, this will come off better( or even worse) ,who knows that ? :)…
jak jest 'pros " to dodaje się ' and cons " przeważnie ...coś dokładnie w rodzaju jak " cuts and bruises " - pewne formy są nierozerwalne, bo inaczej brzmi to śmiesznie…
Although more and more people are dining out in the restaurants ...chyba miałas prędzej na myśli : '..more and more people are eating out " @ Patrycjaaa;) nie ma potzreby dawac potem ,ze w…
Zamierza się przekształcić x (placówkę publiczną) w y (prywatną). ...hmm ,a czemu nie 'X is going to be transformed into Y '? :) " Changed w/g mnie nie pasi wogóle tutaj ,ale jak juz …
'mightily' (nie wiem czy to nie jest kolokw - lepiej inne slowo) important ...mightily ? a skąd taka kollokacja ?? jak " mighty" - to może być np. 'neighbour' ( w sensie…
...and later on ,,those couple of words that are pledged so passionately in front of God may appear a void vision .....sad but true :) Well, I'd already thought it to be unseperable and un…
I wouldn't trust percentages 100% , this can be misleading is for all I can say hmm ... mind the one thing , that you are always given some ' dose of uncertainty within those figures &…
..calkowicie nie, jestes na zlym tropie ..I'm so sorry :( nie jestem niestety ' S. Holmse's or PM's adviser ' by rozwikłać wszystko w mgnieniu oka :) Ale dzieki @Terri za na…
He's a lovely lad...not .. cos jak ' a smart alec '? ale to niee to , jak ktoś jest taki " co to nie ja, z głową w chmurach ,bo ja to wiem to i to :) " będzie inny sens …
Co dokladnie wstrzymuje Ciebie zebym nie mogl kogos zapytac: Czy warto do tej szkoly chodzic?...(Rochet science it isn't) ..albo 'It isn;t rocket science , is it ?;) bo tak czesto slyszale…
I just was fed up with treating me as ' afterthought and only a person giving her my shoulder to cry on again and again ' I should have been treated by her due the utmost respect. ..p…
Milosc nie istnieje. Discuss, ..
... I got it over and done with and for now on , I left all of it far behind :) having already my' train of thought' - all of that just wasn't…
Miłość istnieje mimo wszystko hmmm napisalbym ....' after all against all odds love exists ' let bygones just be bygones , but I just mean I've got to pay my price at times for …
.Get outa that kitchen and rattle those pots and pans.......(zagadka... kto to spiewal?) ...
Goodness me, how Am I supposed to have known that one, Dear? tell me ;)…
ja bym dal cos w rodzaju : ' Tax incomes' analysis in according to ...nie znam terminologii ekonomicznej ,niestety ..nie poprawiam ,jedynie proponuje .…
They went into seperate ways years ago is for all I can say at the very time...Vincent Clarke launched a project called as 'Erasure' - never been a keen admirer of such kind of sounds ,if I…