Profil użytkownika Robbertoxx - wpisy na forum

1-30 z 1454
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..and what about Valentine's Day? This possibly can't be put off…
The truth is that some girls are beloved , some underloved and that's why confusion is made throughout the world. To be perfectly honest , I struggle to get rid it off and I think .I'm b…
Long story short indeed to cut a long story short ..I used to say : cut to the chase because i'm busy guy ' :)…
'what on earth are you wearing? I asked one girl very much the same question ..this seems to me now that today's world is likely to be turned upside down .…
Na 'wyleczenie z' ... sie zgadzam. true, it is thought as not built-in sort of thing, so therefore curable as far as I'm concerned…
I have been running lub np sytuacja, kumpel kumpla spotyka i mowi : you look exhausted , have you been running?…
I feel very strongly about the issue of climate change in my view , this means that climate change remains among the primary issues I tackle / I would tackle .…
I feel very strongly about the issue of climate change in my view , this means that climate change remains among the primary issues I tackle / I would tackle .…
mozliwe, ze sie pomylilo z takim amerykanizmem, inside of me W niektórych piosenkach słyszy się ' inside of me' ale powinno być' inside me/ outside me "…
you keep walking through the world shaping it by your own deeds…
Ja klubie tez wyrazenie: 'self-taught', ktory potwierdza determinacje. ..albo " strong - willed"…
... słyszałem dość często : " to see/ perceive things from different camera's angle ".…
Happy New Year to all the forum's attenders ! May the following year bring you plenty of luck each day . This is the right time to put all our worries far behind . ;)…
Bardzo dobrym rozwiązaniem jest google translate, bo jesteśmy wstanie przetłumaczyć sobie całe zdania Hmmm ,not really ..and I fear this will never be .…
What did your ma'am say? ma'am has been away until nightfall :) Yet this was already meant for a little while .No offence intended , I'm just only having a bad sense of humo…
You are one of the characters. what you mean by that? Apart from anything else I don't think you would be able to cope with Quantum Mechanics' issues . I'd risk that You would n…
Either way ...if you trust in love too deep, mind that you will be found very soon on the way straight out to disaster with no views of turning back - someone has told me the line and I think t…
Nie jest. Jak Wilde powiedzial... Everyone kills the thing he loves. Famous Freddy sang once upon a time : 'Love Kills" I guess there must be something in it yet remaining actual today…
I'm not into fall -out over all of that . Frankly I've had quite a lot of things to be done till nightfall so what? , Could anyone be found to replace me or be able to carry this ou…
You might need references from your present employer in the future undoubtedly , he might be needed the references when the times comes , so being calm and polite always value )…
Mind that love itself is just a simple thing , and for goodness sake all attempts to make it more sophisticated and complex than it really is ?…
"I am being in love" means something else Perhaps this means something else ,but I wonder if anyone would have said like that ..Let's just say : I'm in love, I was in love ,…
Someone carried out a lot of - ..ten ktoś może już teraz nie żyć, lub porzucił swą działalność Someone has carried out a lot of - ..wiele zrobił, ale bez wątpienia ma zamiar jeszcze zrobić coś, to n…
and we started spend a little more I got this line ,,however I wonder whether somebody else would regard this as a proper one. It is , as ever .... or rather it does seem to be figure all a…
if only we were paid , then we would try to ...itd :)…
..people used to get overdrunk those days and yet it has developed through a years to come ......itp Mg to lepiej napisze:)…
..people used to get overdrunk those days ......itp Mg to lepiej napisze:)…
We have had lots of booze these days .. and yet we rarely were to go shopping for re - equipment / pubs..coś w tym stylu ,coś podobnego .…
Czemu " in the' ? nie ladniej ' 'throughout the third chapter' ???…
1-30 z 1454
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