the picture of me , well , i ;ve got that one taken because of boredom and i look there rather hopelessly at all . It's sometimes that you don't have to know someone to feel sympathy to…
W woli wyjaśnienia jest to chłopak którego poznałam na imprezie, wiem wysmiejecie mnie, przecież nie będę z nim gadać ze słownikiem w ręku ale chciałam chociaz trochę z nim popisać :) mogę jeszcze pr…
Grudziu dziękuję, a możesz mi jeszcze przetłumaczyć na polski? Bardzo proszę :wooow its looong time! well usually whn 1 year arrives and clean some ppl tht i didnt speak at all, but ofc i wud like to …
It Often depends on speaker when reported speech needs any " change in tense" or does not . It is often obvious as the meaning would stay the same or almost the same.…
I'd like to put/ask one more...sounds more politely
I am doing American studies / I have been doing American studies for / started somewhere in the past and leading up to present time
before my Christmas my Mum clean (?) .....clean nie pasuje tutaj ,...bardziej had cleaned .
Ponadto lubiłem używać słowa " tidy up " w sensie ogarnąć , posprzątać ...choć to brzmi dużo mnie…
Prep ? prawdopodobnie chodziło o preparation :) ...hmm i'd say : have things already been squared away for Christmas Eve, haven't they ? If not , We haven't got too much time so we…
Hi all!
I'd like to practise spoken english a bit. Is there anybody who wants to speak with me? My level is intermediate and I'm looking for people determined to improve english who are on …
A weeks ago i decided to set off both with a couple of a mates of mine and see piece of the World. To be honest , i've always been keen in touring and had a itchy feet so i did not take much time…
Exactly , love means nothing without being so close to each other. Love appears neverending asking for more and expecting for reply.
Keep in mind the one that if we are in love we can do everything …
Love always will stay such a weird kind of feel for me .. it's like a flame and sharp thorn . Able to Unite and split up as well , btw
I usually didn't want to talk about luv.....A real lov…
little 15 - Depeche Mode
one ,two ,three - Rocco
one love - Dr Alban
Just we two - Modern Talking
One in ten - UB 40 (exceptionally favorite of mine)
kanał xo2 - papa dance…
Mmmm, i also prefer no.4 ( : one girl in the bedroom ); personally i'd rather more."Love is no crime" sangs BBB in the middle of 80's - pretty cool song . Have you known that gro…
Terry! You have forgotten about 7
7. One man for giving lots of money (still can't get enough of money , today's meaning of love ,main purpose of "being in love" )
seven men f…
np. I wish to turn back in time to these unique moments = (??) chciałbym( życzyłbym sobie) się cofnąć do tych niepowtarzalnych chwil. Chyba dobrze?a może bez " in time"?:)…