Zestaw 2500 słówek i wyrażeń przydatnych na studiach filologii angielskiej oraz osobom uczącym się angielskiego na zaawansowanym poziomie.
Heart transplants weren't feasible just fifty years ago.
Computer users browse the Web to find relevant files.
Software piracy is a threat to program writers and computer companies.
Police can now identify a murder 60 years after the fact with genetic fingerprinting.
Who's the top dog round here? I want to speak to the boss.
Using body language is a great example of nonverbal communication. You do not have to use any words to express your feelings- it's called nonverbal means of expression.
I'd like to be a polyglot so that I could go to different countries and understand what people say. He knows eight different languages so you may say he is a polyglot.
Extroverts are outgoing, sociable kind of people. Everybody likes her a lot because of her extroverted behavior.
English is the medium of instruction We use telephones as medium for staying in touch with people who live far away.
He used gesticulation to help them understand. He uses gesticulation too often; he should concentrate on the words more.
He is unable to discern what is going on. How can I discern if what he's saying is true?
"Who knows?" he said and shrugged.
If we could communicate through telepathy spoken language would die out.
Stop hedging and answer my question.
Women often accuse men of being too taciturn.
My mother and aunt can chinwag for hours on end.
In some universities you can study sign language as a second language.
Things were going well until you had to butt in.
He is always ready to chime in with his opinion.
He tried to cover his shyness with a lot of banter.
We are just on different wavelengths when it comes to politics.
I had to tell her a little white lie so I wouldn't hurt her feelings.
Please get in touch with through email.
Every time I said something he contradicted me. It was obvious he was spoiling for a fight.
Karen doesn't seem exactly over enamored with her new job.
Since we had our little altercation she hasn't spoken to me.
The prime minister has condemned this act of terrorism and the other party leaders have expressed similar sentiments.
She was completely flummoxed by the second question.
The experience completely unnerved me.
The boys were drooling over a picture of a girl in a bikini.
Is he stupid or is he being deliberately obtuse?
He refused to answer their accusations but his silence spoke volumes.
He winced mentally at her angry words.
An inscrutable smile was all I got in answer to my question.
The poor child doesn't understand that he is doing wrong; you must treat him with more forbearance.
The teacher harangued us about our untidy work.
Felix is too opinionated to change his mind, even if he knows he is wrong.
It will be difficult to find a judge who is not partial.
She didn't heed my warning.
She wheedled him into taking her with him.
He tends to snap at people when he's got a headache.
I wanted to speak to her, but she gave me the brush-off.
His overbearing personality makes him difficult to work with.
I enjoy listening to their witty repartee.
One could clearly see the animosity between the two party leaders.
My husband will be livid if he finds you here.
I find his curt manner off-putting.
I offered to placate her by offering to pay for the repairs.
This horse is very placid so you have nothing to worry about.
Dużo "literówek" i kilka poważniejszych błędów.
nursery school - oznacza również ŻŁOBEK (tak podaje słownik Cambridge), kindergarten - tłumaczy się jako PRZEDSZKOLE.
Jeśli dla niektórych z Państwa brak polskiego tłumaczenia, to co robicie na tym dziale, skoro jest to dla studentów filologii? Skoro student filologii jest poziomu B2/C1 powinien, jak nie musi, być w stanie zrozumieć znaczenie
z kontekstu. Jeśli znów rozchodzi się o wymowę, to jakim problemem jest wejść na stronę słownika takiego jak, longman, czy oxford, wpisać słowo i przeczytać transkrypcję/odsłuchać wymowę? Wystarczy odrobinę pomyśleć i odpowiedź się sama nasunie. ;) Pozdrawiam serdecznie.
Na jaki poziomie są te słówka ? Czy ich znajomość jest potrzebna do zdawania CAE ?
Wielka szkoda że, nie ma możliwości wydruku w pdf...
No właśnie w pdf by się przydało ;)
ma ktoś te wszystkie słówka w PDF ??
Zdania w przykładach są proste, co tu tłumaczyć? Zwłaszcza na tym poziomie. Ja bym raczej poprosiła o wymowę słówek. Czasem akcent albo głoska wymówiona nie tak -i klapa. Ale to drobiazg. Strona świetna, dziękuję i pozdrawiam.
Jest napisane, że to dla osób, które myślą o języku poważnie. Ucząc się zaawansowanego słownictwa, przeważnie już na poziomie B2/C1 rozumie się podaną po ang. definicję. Nie ma zatem co marudzić. :)
Moim zdaniem jeżeli ktoś już jest na filologii to powinien znać podstawowe zdania, sformułowania czy słowa jakie zostały zastosowane w tych przykładach słów ciut bardziej unikalnych, jak dla mnie bajka. Świetna strona, pozdrawiam.
Brak. Mnie np brakuje tłumaczenia zdania. I to jest też głównie największy problem w książkach. Tłumaczy się słówko a nie całe zdanie. I przez to niby zastosowanie jest - no jest... ale niepełne.
Genialny pomysł, ale nieprecyzyjne wykonanie...brak polskich tłumaczeń utrudnia pracę.