It isn`t nothing new that Poles are malicious and envious. I can comprehend it. "When you don`t know why, it is because of the money". I think that they are envious because you are who you are. You have a good husband and a well-paid job and you are happy with your life. The most of Poles where in the past:
1. to lazy to learn or work
2. had better things to do
3. think that they should get everything from life
They are jealous because I had been diffrent (in the possitive way - in my opinion): you wanted to do something with your life, you were ambitious, you were learning languages etc. This is what makes people angry... That there are some, who have time to work, learn, take life in their own hands and have spare time for many things as well.
P.S. Sorry, I made a little (in fact, it changed the meaning of my sentence:)) mistake in my last post:
I should write: "Everyone should take his/her life in his/her own hands . Because of that I DON`T very often complain about anything in our "wonderful" country." I wanted to say that it is better to try to do something than complaining (like most of Poles)