What about emigration?

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301-330 z 438
Nowaczek: yes, I'm a teacher and yes, I give private lessons but it's still not enough to save a proper amount of money.Perhaps Tarnów is a rich city but here where I live people think twice before they spend their quid.And I'm not a native speaker to earn 4000. And I have many bills to pay....every month...and my parents don't give me anything...are you a student?
You're right- some Poles abroad behave like animals or even worse.Even politicians can't behave themselves.
About Poles abroad i don't want to say anything - it still hurts when i think about some people from Poland who lives here in NZ (polonia society) and what they did to us... I mean my husband and me... I still cannot comprehend it - so malicious, so envious, so.... so... so... :-(
Did you mean that article from some guy from newsweek, Br? That one about England????
"Everyone should take his/her life in his/her own hands . Because of that I very often complain about anything in our "wonderful" country." Oh well, i didn't complain - i just packed my suitcases and followed my heart and vision of better life and came here :-) So i took my life in my own hands :-) And guess what - i realized that i stopped complaining... Probably because of that i have problmes such as if i get my holiday in Christmas time or not, can i buy this antique clock in this month or not, should i buy smaller apartment but new one or bigger but few years old... I don't have problems like do i have enough money to survive till the 1st of the month... Do i have money for my all bills... And os on and so on... Of course there are things i had to sacrifice and i miss them but that's life - at least i've got my beloved hubby with me.
I cannot say anything about bad Poland publicity in New Zealand as majority of Kiwis is not interested in outside world. Evedn Australia is for them sthg not worth mentioning (btw there is some kind of rivalry between NZ and Australia :-) )...
Br, maybe you should pretend you are native? :-) Think about chocks!!!!! :-)
True, I am not in your situation, because I am a pupil and don`t have to pay bill etc. and anything at all. True, I think that sometimes my way of thinking is, let me say, naive... In fact, it is better to be wrong than not to have any opinion at all (as the majority of Poles, unfortunately). I can understand that it can be for you sometimes hard but as I said: take your life in your hands and try not to complain to much because you spend so much time on complaing that you could, for examle, earn more than 1500 euro :) :)
It isn`t nothing new that Poles are malicious and envious. I can comprehend it. "When you don`t know why, it is because of the money". I think that they are envious because you are who you are. You have a good husband and a well-paid job and you are happy with your life. The most of Poles where in the past:
1. to lazy to learn or work
2. had better things to do
3. think that they should get everything from life
They are jealous because I had been diffrent (in the possitive way - in my opinion): you wanted to do something with your life, you were ambitious, you were learning languages etc. This is what makes people angry... That there are some, who have time to work, learn, take life in their own hands and have spare time for many things as well.

P.S. Sorry, I made a little (in fact, it changed the meaning of my sentence:)) mistake in my last post:
I should write: "Everyone should take his/her life in his/her own hands . Because of that I DON`T very often complain about anything in our "wonderful" country." I wanted to say that it is better to try to do something than complaining (like most of Poles)
Right you are, my friend!!!!!:)
I will definitely pretend.And no more complains!
What do you think of this article?
well - for me - long article about nothing - ie long writing about things that are known and could be written in few sentences. Anyway what can you expect from you host country? You weren't born there, you have to asimilate, and well, there is always lots of other immigrants and you cannot expect to get wonderful job right away or it maybe that you will never get it... It depends what you are looking for - money or good life, without too much stress... I think that this guy should go there and try to actually be immigrant - what he did was to find out about possibilities in getting a job but he didn't pursue it - he just talked with people, end of story, full stop, amen... Nice but i'd rather read how HE spend his work day, if ypu know what i mean...
Nowaczek, problem with these particular people was emmmmm... How to put it... It this kind that knows better, is better and has everything better than everyone else. Furtheromre they've got to be in the centre of everyone's attention.... It end up very nasty - my hubby got a small badge - he is porno man... Based on nothing... Anyway i'm rather over it but i still feel .... ehm something :-) Anyway, after some time everyone from this "kolko rozancowe" realized we were victims and this family was to be blamed but it was too late - we didn't want to see those people... If they cannot judge or are afraid to do it by themselves then we don't want to know people whose opinion changes depending with whom they are talking or wjo is present... We are grown up people and we should know few things - one of them is to be honest... With yourself and others... No more obluda I say!!!!!! :-) That doesn't mean, Br, you cannot pretend to be native - it's different thing :-)
Surely he should spend at least 2-3 weeks trying hard to find a job, it would be more authentic...but at least he didn't lie.
I must have more optimistic approach....how to do it? More ...........chocolate:))))????
Yes, Br, scientific researches prooved that chocks give more optimism, some edorfins or sthg other is being created and we experience more happiness... Of course better not to eat too much - we don't want to be easier to jump over than go around :-) :-) :-)
My goodness - i just heard in radio news - last news - from last minute, has to know stc stc - Bobby, the chimp, has died.... Our Zoo is gief stricken...

I need more rest.... Or world went crazy...
Kiwis are weird,aren't they? Bush got elected for the second time and what really matters? The pathetic death of a chimp...
I'm already far too plump to be gone around and btw I'm addicted to chocolate.But I don't smoke!
Hehehe, to tell the truth i wasn't interested a bit in american elections... I don't care... Bush or not Bush it's all about money... Or too little ehm male organ :-) Sometimes i think i should be more interested in poor little chimp from Auckland's zoo - but i'm not. Bush, chimp or even roos - I DON"T CARE ANYMORE!!!!!!! I have had 7 days in a row of working, 1 day off and now again at work... And what's the funniest thing in the world? When i'm off and i'm supposed to be resting or doing something only for myslf - it isn't so!!!!! I have laundry to do, cleaning my house etc etc. And i am not sure if i go anywhere for my holiday this year :-((((( So: work at work, work at home. home for a holiday... BTW - if anyone has a spare spine i would like to have it... Mine is a disaster...
Yeah i'm addicted to chocolate as well - but with my job and a lot of running around things, stairs in my apartament, and other things i don't have to worry too much :-) I am not as skinny as i used to be in Poland but... what the hell, i quit smoking this year after about 9 years of smoking. So i have a right to chocolate :-) If i get too plump i will go to gym (I have one around the corner :-) ) So Br - i'm with you :-) I only miss Ptasie mleczko - they don't have it in here :-/
if Osama will drop an atom bomb 51 mln dumb Americans, who voted for Bush will wake up...
...or not, unless you believe in life after death....
Ptasie mleczko mmmm...that's delicious, and if they haven't in in Ireland either I won't stay long...
Kasiul i BR:

won na GG!!
:-) :-) :-)
Anyway - it's my last post in this subject - i'm getting tired of reading posts from geniuses who cannot even put normal name or nick and choose to put real english word in it such as Won... And i don't get it why it's such a big problem for some as unfortunetaly gadu thing didn't want to work from unknown reasons... So i'm not going to put anything more - that doesn't mean i will stop coming here a t all :-)
Bye bye
Farewell Kasiul:(((( we've broken a record here anyway and I'm not ashamed of it. Don't forget my e-mail!
My dear Won,
Firstly: who gave you the authority to shoo anybody away from this forum?
If you don't like it- fine by me! I won't force you to read my "semi private babble"! Or , in fact, anybody else's babble anywhere!
Secondly:Your nick is very stupid, childish and silly...isn't it?
Thirdly: Do you know where New Zeland is?Have you ever heard about time zones?Have you drawn any conclusion from this piece of information?
Is it really the end of this abnormally swollen forum, br?Somehow I don't think so...
Moj Boze!! Przeciez to byl zart zachecajacy do emailowania abo GG!! A rozszarpaly mnie tutaj jak dzika zwierzyne!!!
Niestety musze zlamac swoja obietnice i wpisac sie raz jeszcze - otoz po kolejnym spojrzeniu na twoj post ni diabla nie widze tam znamion zartu. Slowo "won" zartobliwe raczej nie jest i jak ktos mowi do mnie won to mam prawo poczus sie urazona i zareagowac tak a nie inaczej. Jesli faktycznie zartowales no to coz... Pomysl po prostu w przyszlosci o lepszym doborze slow... I tyle na ten temat...
no dla mnie won to zartobliwe slowo, ale moze powinno byc tez i :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Hej, w koncu to wpis z jakims won. Usmiechaj sie czesciej Kasiulku
Ok, tylko mnie juz nie won - uj :-) A teraz to juz tu moj last wpis bo bedzie ze rozbudowuje na sile i w ogole :-) Przenioslam sie na bloga :-) A z Br mam maly problem kontaktowy bo cos moje maile sa odsylane z powrotem... Kicha norrrrrmalnie. Ok papapa
Right you are.I'm not to be shooed like this.This is my freedom of speech area.Join in!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
301-330 z 438