witam wszystkich mamy weekend chcialem sobie tanio zadzwonic do Polski za 2p/min a tu niespodzianka.
Price Change Pay & Go™
There's going to be some changes to the calling costs of special service numbers for Pay & Go customers.
From the 17th of August 2006, the following changes will take place.
The first change affects when you call special service numbers which start with the numbers 07744 and 07755, which will now be charged at 25p per minute. If you have a calling allowance these numbers will no longer be included within the allowance from the 17th of August 2006. The calling allowances affected are:
• Calls & Messaging Bolt On
• Talkalotmore minutes
• Calls 50 Bolt On
• Home 100 Bolt On
• Home 250 Bolt On
• All Online tariffs with a calls allowance
• Pay & Go Wild tariff
• Any O2 Treat you have with a calling allowance
In addition, there will now be a flat rate of 15p per minute for calling numbers starting with 0500, 0505, 055, 056, 080, 0808, 0820, 0844, 0845 and 0870. The calling costs of these numbers previously varied between 35p and 2p per minute, depending on the time of day your call and your tariff. Calls to these numbers will not be eligible for calling allowances or discounted calls. The calling allowances affected are:
• Calls & Messaging Bolt On
• Talkalotmore minutes
• Calls 50 Bolt On
• Online Calls & Messages free monthly allowance
• Pay & Go Wild tariff
• Any O2 Treat you have with a calling allowance.
The Customer Service number of [tel]is unaffected by this change, and will still be charged at the usual rate of 20p a minute
Pare dni temu dostalem sms-a o podwyzce ale bylem wtedy w pracy i nie przeczytalem dokladnie. Dzis tego pozalowalem.
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