Profil użytkownika happy__polly - wpisy na forum

1-30 z 44
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Being a parent is difficult challenge. Before decision of take a risk upbringing a child everyone should take into consideration what is better rewarding or panished? As everybody knows parents used b…
It was a day like every other in Tom's job. He made all his duties precisely: he dusted, cleaned a floor and windows in all offices in the company. It wasn't a pik of his dreams but he had t…
there is a man in the park. Czy jest to poprawne zdanie?…
Jak powiedzieć Namawiał żeby zrobili z nim porządek.…
Dziękuję zawsze można na Ciebie liczyć:)…
Young people are prone to influences both positive and negative. They try to copy some kind of behaviour, lifestyle and fashion of their idols. If a star is quite normal in these aspects there is …
this computer worked properly but it broken down. czy to jest dobrze gramatycznie?…
tak ale to błąd nie oddzielenia wyrazów spacją, chodzi mi o to czy gramatycznie jest dobrze.…
this computer worked properlybut it broken down.…
Myślę, że już trochę lepiej z the/a/an u mnie w porównaniu z innymi pracami. Prawda jest taka, że nie zawsze wiem czy powinnam rodzajnik przedimka. Popracuje jeszcze nad tym, a za uwagi bardzo dzięk…
The review A book entitled The Black Dahlia written by James Ellroy is the novel based on really murder commit in 1947 in USA. The author tells a story two policeman who try to solve mysterious mur…
Dzięki za pomoc. mam tylko jedno pytanie co oznacza ten zwrot "makeS IT LOOK AS IF THEY ARE BEING treatED like foolS"…
World is plenty of commercial slogans. All around us there are adverts. One creative and sophisticated, other simply and boring. Everyday people watch hundreds of it but only few draw their attention.…
World is plenty of commercial slogans. All around us there are adverts. One creative and sophisticated, other simply and boring. Everyday people watch hundreds of it but only few draw their attention.…
Advertising compain try to put message behind ad. They show us products on different, unusual way(niezykły sposób) also make us remember (sprawia ze zapamiętujemy) . Advertiser use interesting ideas t…
Advertising compain try to put message behind ad. They show us products on different, unusual way(inny sposób) also make us remember (sprawia ze zapamiętujemy) . Advertiser use interesting ideas to pr…
World is plenty of commercial slogans. All around us there is advert. One creative and sophisticated, other simply and boring. Everyday people watch hundreds of it but only few draw their attention. C…
World is plenty of commercial slogans. All around us there is advert. One creative and sophisticated, other simply and boring. Everyday people watch hundreds of it but only few draw their attention. C…
My favourite is advert for washing machine, brand Ariston. I saw it on English TV about one year ago. Comercial is about a little boy who observ what is happening inside machine and he see plenty of c…
My favourite is advert for washing machine, brand Ariston. I saw it on English TV about one year ago. Comercial is about a little boy who observ what is happening inside machine and he see plenty of c…
Mam pytanie jak powinien wyglądać szyk kiedy chce napisać że potrącono mnie; knocked me down czy knocked down me…
Dear Anna and Tom Thank you for your last letter. How are you? I hope everything is ok. I’m afride my visit In Brussel is impossible in fixed date, because week ago I broke my leg. I…
It was dangerous but I kenw I need to do it. I was only one problem to pick up those big, colorfull and perfectly round apples from a small orchard, this obstacle was a huge and danger looking dog b…
It was dangerous but I kenw I need to do it. I was only one problem to pick up those big, colorfull and perfectly round apples from a small orchard, this obstacle was a huge and danger looking dog beh…
Miałam napisaś wypracowanie zaczynające się od słów takich jak w pierwszym zdaniu proszę o sprawdzenie orzede wszystkim gramatyki bo nie mam pojęcia czy dobrze pastów użyłam It was dangerous but I …
Our road are demaged and have plenty of wholes. Driving in the city centre is almost impossible in rush hours. Huge traffic jams blocked main streets this cause fluster in driver. Warszawa's road…
Obiesty is a illness of our civilisation. More and more people have overweight cause they don't take any kind of sports and they eat too many sweets and fatty things. We don't have time for …
I agree with this sterotype only in half part. I think first impression is very important and could tell many things positive and negative also. I know that big group of people don't care about …
Recipe on pancake with strawberry muss. My favourite dish are pancake with strawberry muss, to prepare it I need: one egg, about halh galss of flour, some milch and one spune of sparkling mineral wat…
My dream house should be situated on the east coast of Australia in peaceful countryside. I want to have midium size house near beach with sight on Coral Sea.It will be two-storey building ornamented …
1-30 z 44
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