Profil użytkownika engee30 - wpisy na forum

ale nie jest to bledem, jak napiszesz z malej litery, tak dla jasnosci…
My final important decision I had to make was choose a high school. That was a really difficult decision for me. In the end, I chose {name} High School. When I have an argument with one of my good fri…
a no chyba ze…
moze grudziu wykona jakiegos testu, to moze wowczas zmieni zdanie :P…
no fakt, napisales chyba jest na studiach ale nie w tym rzecz - czy tegoprzypadkiem nie ucza juz w liceum :?…
no tak, ale ty piszesz o tym, ze tego ucza na studiach - naprawde nie wczesniej?…
tak, jak pakk sugeruje, kazda matryca ma wartosci nizsze, niz nominalna musisz wejsc w opcje ustawien grafiki - prawy przycisk myszki na pulpicie wyswietli sie menu, z ktorego wybierasz ustawienia gra…
mowisz na studiach? a w liceum tego nie ucza :?…
tamte left jest juz okay - to sie nazywa tense simplification, i nie ma potrzeby stosowania past perfectu, bo juz jasno wynika ze zdania had been living , ze to bylo jeszcze wczesniej, niz pierwsze wy…
artrur, zauwazylem, ze opraktycznie o tej samej porze dajesz swoje wpisy - ty lepiej spokojnie zjedz sobie kanapke na przerwie, a nie poswiecasz ja na tego typu wpisy z reszta, twoj wpis byl pusty, bo…
nie ma w angielskim takiego odpowiednika, aby skonstruowac takie pytanie, mowie o Ktorym (z kolei)... sa propozycje wprowadzenia do slownikow slowka Whichth lub What'th, ale to sa tylko propozycj…
w BUSINESS, nie ma przykladowego zdania z policzalnym BUSINESS w CULTURE i PRESENT, masz CULTURE i PRESENT uzyte jako rzeczowniki w przydawce, a to raczej maja byc same rzeczowniki…
CULTURE and PRESENT jeszcze nie jest do konca jasne no i z tym TOAST tez jakos tego nie widze - toast to nie jest abstract noun :(…
cos z BUSINESS tez sie nie zgadza…
what, I'm just curious about his source of information he seems to have got possession of, that's all it'd be of great educational value if he could share that with us, don't you t…
jestem niedouczony in that case. ciekawe, co chciales przez to powiedziec :? Incidentally, where did you learn about what is right and what is wrong, speaking of the issue in htis thread?…
ale cos widze, ze z HEAR ci sie troszke porypalo…
grudziu jestes tutaj nowy - my z savem mamy takie momenty, ze sobie nawrzucamy na tym forum, ale wierz mi, nie robi to takich szkod na duchu i ciele, jak to sie moze wydawac innym, postronnym osobom b…
Gdyby było : I have studied English since 2000 byłoby ok , z learn to nie działa. why is that?…
so whatever other sense would make that sentence correct then :?…
now back to the core topic in this very thread, do you still think it's wrong to say I have learned English since 2000? eh?…
Want to educate them how to speak good English ? Go to Dallas, TX. nah, couldn't be bothered, to be honest…
This is what people talk like in real life. if that's the case, then let me make myself the one and only to correct them :P…
You neither say nor write 15 years English grammar veteran, sir; instead, you either say or write 15-year English grammar veteran. will you remember that simple rule, mate…
First, you admit you were wrong, second, you admit you're a massive prick, then I'll think about it. That won't do, in which case it means you've lost, I'm afraid :D :P…
And what about hearing: His mind still seemed clear and his hearing was excellent. vs After more than two hours of pandemonium, the judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.…
What, you stumble for words now ? one syllable operator ? Cat got you tongue or what ? in the UK, there's a growing trend towards saying a mere 'nice' instead of 'whatever'…
If you really want to know, I can tell you when the perfective " I have learned ... since 2000" can be considered correct..but you don't want to know because of your big inflated ego , …
room i work zapewne juz ma na swojej liscie ciekawe, czy ma rowniez: light (Light travels at the speed of 299,792,458 metres per second. vs There was a cold grey light creeping under the curtains.)…
This is f*&^^%g unbelievable. It's just sickening. I tell you what ,Bednar is much more bainy than you are. You’re just an incompetent ego-tripper, everybody should know that. nice…