Profil użytkownika Robbertoxx - wpisy na forum

1351-1380 z 1454
Domyślam się ,iż chodzi o " brilliant grades " ;)…
We have missed major issue to became a movie star in the US. ' To be dolled -up perfectly and entire success guaranteed without any accent and so on '…
To be honest, ' British accent" as much as possible;) because there's barely noticeable " r" . (I keep having some problems with that even when gobbing off Polish ).…
Once I came across watching British telly : " Lines may now be closed - it's a catch- up service"…
Despite of the second half of March We've been getting huge amounts of snow to where I live ( nearby St. Cross ). Last night snowfalls turned into blizzard . I do fancy winter but it's …
To ,że Dirty Dancing nie oznacza żadnego sexu,...mowa w tyt. filmu jest raczej o tańcu . Smieszne jest tlumaczenie tego jako " wirujący (????) seks. …
Gdy czytam polskie tlumaczenia tytułów ,często leję ze śmiechu ;) ' Die Hard - szklana pulapka, ' Dirty Dancing - wirujący sex",itd.…
If you trouble trouble , there is double trouble so don;t trouble trouble :-)…
that;s bone = that;s stupid , a nie jakies " bona " :))…
" Bona '? nie spotkalem sie jak dotąd z takim slowem ;ale np. ' bone ' owszem . " This is bone question ' = this is stupid question .…
true, there's a little difference on meaning .…
Dalbym podobnie jak Grudziu ...let me know about your most suitable time to talk each other, when can we chat on again , tell me when could we talk each other , etc,...itp…
as New Year's party's over i just keep drinking and let myself put my common problems so far away ...behind me,...nobody knows me better than myself :)))…
both uses overlap .…
Yes, it's going to be amongst the worst options : ' our free will" and " do whatever you are willing to do "…
As due to ending of the World ... i do NOT believe in any of these deadlines given to us and i;ve never believed, to be honest is absolutely unpredictable as you know your Bible , Terri ;) I;ve…
PPl often keep saying sweet sweet words between each other but as long as i am concerned, there's gonna be only words,lol, i;m not used to giving a faith in words - i rather believe in acts ;)…
Lol ;) Nice of U ;) it's yet a couple of days but, ..thanks a million . Let;s hope our Christmas will be really joyful .…
Prawdziwa milosc ? ...w tych czasach ?? rather rare to find ,heh :)…
mozę ' do not forgive unfaithfulness ' brzmi chyba dobrze ..ale oczywiscie nie jestem expertem …
Co kraj - to obyczaj ,proste ! Z tego co ja wiem i slyszalem to " have got / have got to' to forma bardziej typowa i popularna w UK , niz gdziekolwiek indziej ( np. US) ,..natomiast rożni…
I'll be better off without you "...czy to oznacza " lepiej mi będzie bez ciebie " ? slyszalem sporo zdań gdzie użyto " better off " ( domyślam sie , ze wyraża to "…
Thank you very much indeed for your thorough explanation given ,.. i just wasn;t entirely sure ;).…
i haven't got a clue, i haven;t a foggiest , i've no idea ;)...czesto tak gadam,poprawne to wogole ? …
Myślę powód jest prosty ..J.Polski jest o wiele wiele barwniejszy niż j.Ang ;dlatego np. na tylko 1 slowo ang " charge" mamy aż tyle róznych ,w zaleznosci od kontekstu , określen :)Przyklad…
to American English... a oni mogą inaczej stosowac pewne zwroty, moim zdaniem chodzi o " jakieś procedury i potwierdzenie startu".. uslyszalem tam"we have a launch commited "…
" i long for you" = tesknie za tobą , mam ochotę na cbie...w j. polskim bedzie zawsze wiecej tlumaczen niż ang. slow …
Witam .....zawsze myślalem ,iż " i've been missing you/ i've missed you " oznacza, ze " brakuje mi ciebie a tesknić mozna wyrazic przez slowo " long" .,ktore jest s…
joyful, , superb,etc …
how ru getting on etc…
1351-1380 z 1454