Profil użytkownika Robbertoxx - wpisy na forum

1231-1260 z 1454
Fine ma wiele znaczen ;).. np. 'I'm fine !' ..Czy mam na mysli ze ' jestem grzywną ' ???? W żadnym wypadku :) podobnie mialem na mysli "fine " w sensie coś jak �…
2 ja bym ujal w pres. perf. cont. /i zostawil lately/ Tak, gdy chcemy wyrazić coś z " naciskiem na czas trwania czegos ' to faktycznie lepiej p.p.cont.,choć wielkiej różnicy na znaczeniu n…
moim zdaniem np : 2. I have worked a lot recently. 4. He had been resting before he cleaned (np. his room.) 3.I had been working very hard before I got paid fine…
Have a seat ,please ...( albo w mniej miły sposob : "Can you ,please put your lazy backside on this chair ? ). …
Super mg. Now, I am happy full. (ciekawe czy dobrze się wyraziłem :->) Nie do końca :( I'm fully happy, I'm over the moon, I'm thrilled to bits,It just made my day...)…
Well, in desperation , I can have as well talked to myself or my little puppy dog ;) …
could not to be ?...dlaczego 'to' ?…
Hopping nie, chyba że 'hoping". O jedno "p" za duzo i znaczenie calkowicie inne ;)…
Hmm moze ze mieli przez jakis czas nadzieje,..ja spotykalem czesciej forme ' they hoped for..' etc. .At the end of the day Terri's far better than I am. ' They carried out the r…
1.They were hopping to steal a lot of money, but the men had unpleasant surprise...trochę za 'polsko' i dziwnie to brzmi , ja bym proponowal coś w stylu: 'They hoped for stealing/grabbi…
Hi Sav ;) I've heard once upon a time that you 'd been a musician .. do you carry on with your passion whatsoever ? …
prawdopodobnie: lecz o co Scoorie się troszczył ?' Było po prostu to , co on chciał. On lubil byc na skraju, na pograniczu ludzkich żyć zabiegania, podczas gdy ostrzegal kazdego by trzymac sie o…
strangler = dusiciel, wiec strangle = (?)dusić ,tlamsić …
hundred- man crew/personnel ? …
Tak,być może chodzi o dostawanie jakieś udzialow,dzielenia zyskow lub świadectw udzialowych należacych do firmy...dla pewności poczekaj na sugestie innych osob .…
Don't be upset was 'ad hoc' and out of the topic , just aired my point of view on how I see things , strictly sayin';…
Perhaps that's why I didn't become a teacher ...knowing myself, there's no way on God's given Earth for me to stand all this screaming and shouting loud through all day ;)…
Who are you visiting ? nie jestem pewien ale ja bym tak dał.…
coming :)…
Ja myślę ze na podstawie jakiś badan statystycznych na jakiejs grupie respondentow np: (Latest Research proven the fact that )Women are more likely than men to mention financial reason - czyli ze je…
ja to rozumiem tak:more likely = there is larger amount of probability that something is true/come about ..etc…
Buildings are accessible, people are usually available. masz racje, powinno byc excuses, but it was 'as hot as hell' in Krakow...and brain got frazzled. Guess not only th…
Carlsberg's 4-pack could do a trick when it comes to such an abnormal degrees through almost all over outside but on the other hand, we should be careful about that.. We've had right above 3…
They are walking/floating on air, they are on the moon, they're head over heels in love with each other, they are on a cloud nine, ..…
A dead man's trigger/ click - to jak zabraknie Ci pocisku w broni i słyszysz zgrzyt zamka zamiast wystrzału.…
I guess that this would go with much the same way when ' will' or shall'.. 'shall' is given to more formal contexts or polite requests.. is it true that we can hardly hear &q…
Bywają i nauczycielki ,ktore niewiele wiedzą ..gdy powiedzialem np. :'we don;t need to worry about .. i've had all of that squared away " ...spytala co mam na myśli :-) (??)…
2. I was not paying attention to what was being ,..., by the teacher (?) …
The splendid decisions? .Niezbyt udana kolokacja ..o wiele czesciej ja slyszę : ' make the right/wrong decisions.…
it's pretty obvious that this matter won't be revealed soon…
1231-1260 z 1454