distinguish - znajdź róznice
i omów.. relevance - znaczenie
dimension - wymiar
...behaviour - zachowanie przywódcze
ostatnie zdanie to chyba translator, nie znasz ani polskiego ani angielskiego? to ja…
1. I HAVE KNOWN that for years.
2. DO YOU SEE<-- zly czas my brother ? I AM LOOKING <-- zly czas for him four<--for some time now but I HAVEN'T FOUND him yet.
3. You WILL GET…
Is the content clear and esthetic(presented on the website)<--DAJ TO W NAWIASIE PO 'IS'?
How ZADAJ PELNE PYTANIE-->it works and how the application looks on different browsers…
XYZ has been defined as those<--ZAMIEN NA 'THIS' aspect of a learning procedure in which PRZEDIMEK learned information may BRAK SLOWA used in every trial of PRZEDIMEK?training rather …