23 brak czegos
25 zle utworzon czas
28 to samo
31 przedimek
32 niegramat.
37 zly czas
41 niegramat
43 told him/said to him
45 niegramat
information jest niepoliczalna
learn to do sth…
znalezione w necie:
"According to the Merriam-Webster Online dictionary, "thanks" is plural, having come from the Middle English singular word "thank." Therefore, "many …
many, bo thanks jest w liczbie mnogiej, od jednego "thank", na takiej samej zasadzie mowi sie thanks are due, a nie thanks is due
very much to po prostu wyrażenie, nie mówi się very many…
Enjoy your life because as young as today you will never be
ale ladniej by brzmialo
Enjoy your life because you will never be as young as you are today.…