Profil użytkownika engee30 - wpisy na forum

Could you write to me again? UK, twoje jest US z tym opuszczeniem 'to' przed 'me' :P…
ja tam wole amerykanskie slownictwo :P ale jak chcesz to zmien na 'petrol station' >Nie mam pieniedzy na taksówkę I haven't got {any} money for {a taxi}. >Wczoraj był dobry …
>Bob nigdy nie pije kawy rano - Bob never {drinks} coffe {in} the morning. >Czy wczoraj padało?? - Nie, Był ładny dzień - Did it rain yesterday? >No, it was nice {a day}. >Czemu byłes …
'worth visiting' to poprawna forma…
aha chodzilo o prawdopodobiensstwo :| Then vide mg's explanations…
You [should pay/ought to pay] more attention while in class. Powinienes bardziej uwazac na zajeciach. You [should have paid/ought to have paid] more attention while in class. Powinienes byl bardz…
aj zapomnialem dodac - jezeli chodzi o czasownik pomocniczy 'has': It's (=It has) been snowing since morning. :)…
>A: Where's the holiday guide, he's late. >B: Good afternoon, sir, madam. > >A: Excuse me, I'm sorry but you're late. You said 2 o'clock. It's >nearly …
it's to rowniez skrot od it has :)…
> 2 If people didn't have {the Internet,} they {couldn't} send {e-mails}? >3 If all the computers in the world broke down, {many} companies would lose a >lot of money. >4If ev…
Ja mysle ;) Night night…
I don't know how about you, but it's bedtime for me now :)…
Wiem co sie dzieje z mozgiem mlodej osoby, ktora wczesniej poznaje niemiecki, a potem dostaje jeszcze angieslki do nauki. Juz takiej osobie w przeszlosci pomoglem, i oboje bylismy z tego zadowoleni :)…
>Dear Sandra, >I'm having a strange time here. The house is in an old part of town >(0)where it is easy to get lost. On my first day, I went out >for a walk to the park (1) _which_…
chyba czas juz isc do lozka, co :? >This bed is too uncomfortable for me. >COMFORTABLE >This bed isn't comfortable enough for me. według którego trzeba zrobic nastepujące przykłady:…
>I am sitting on {a} bench and {looking} at {some} old buildings. I see {busy} >streets full of scooters, motorcycles and small cars {with} lots of >pizzerias and cafés {all around}. The mo…
>Dear Sir, >Our city has (0) some lovely old buildings but the local council want >to knock them down and build expensive new houses. Why? There are too >(1) ____{many}________ ugly, ne…
>1 Paul! Put your shirt and trousers in the___wardrobe___, please! OK > >2 Why is the car in the___{drive}___? Why didn't you put it in the >garage? > >3 We often sit on th…
>1.They sell a lot of alcohol here but not many {soft} drinks. >2.This shop is very useful. It's got long {opening hours}- from 6a.m. >to 10p.m. > >3.I can't eat d_airy___…
>Czy ktoś wie, co znaczy: >once in a blue moon - od swieta; rzadko >about eight-ish - okolo osmawej (godziny) >in a way - na swoj sposob; w pewnym sensie >bits and pieces - duperele…
no to moze Wiejskie Pospólstwo…
ale tam niema zadnej wzmianki o ludziach; jedynie 'rural' daje nam jakies pojecie o 'spolecznosci', jak rowniez i o calej infrastrukturze dotyczacej wsi…
>Dziękuje serdecznie. A może napisać Can you do it on your own? jak najbardziej moze byc…
>>That is the man {whose} painting I told you about.…
>I am saving money {in order} to buy a flat in the summer. >I avoid... (talking) to strangers because I'm afraid they might be >criminals. OK >I'd rather Peter...{didn't}…
overall = ogolnie rzecz biorac…
tu nie chodzi o to, czy jest to pomylka czy tez nie; chodzi o to, iz podane przyklady z 'work' oraz 'live' nie roznia sie zbytnio pod wzgledem uzycia czasu Perfect Simple a Perfect…
ja ci to zobrazuje na kobiecy rozum :P tylko 'tall' uzywamy z ludzmi i zwierzetami uzywasz 'high' z rzeczami, kiedy nie bierzesz, badz nie mozesz brac pod uwage szerokosci badz…