Profil użytkownika engee30 - wpisy na forum

>(Tylko kontrolując swoje nerwy, będziesz wstanie) ful fil the task >Only {by keeping your temper will you} be able to fulfil the task. > >(Nigdy w życiu nie doświadczyłam) such disgrac…
>1.Mamy przyjęcie w przyszłym tygodniu. >1.We are {having a} party next week. >2.Nie wychodzę dziś wieczór , zostaję w domu. >2.I am {not} going {out tonight}, {I'm staying in}. …
>Kelly {had broken} up with her boyfriend and she decided to go on holiday. Her >travel agent told her that {the Seychelles were a} wonderful place. But she didn't >know that this {was…
>Gabriela is from {Rome} so she and her husband decided to go to Sweden. >They had {} hope that they {would rest} from {the} heat. But when they {got there} >they had {a nasty} surprise. {I…
>When he was a teenager he went on holiday with his parents in France. >They rented a house on the beach and they had great weather. But Tim >wasn't happy because he didn't want t…
>czy mozesz popatrzyc na to zdanie >1.If my colleague who is less capable than 'me' (czy tutaj 'I' czy >'me' dobrze, ze te zdanie wzielas pod lupe :) If …
>1.If my colleague who is less capable than me was promoted above me, I >would go to my boss {to complain}. >2.If I {were} bored with my job, I {would} find something new {to do}. >3.If…
skoro tak to prosze, bez tego 'as': Would you be kind enough to provide a reply asap.…
(The reason) why I am learning English.…
skoro jest to taki sobie idiom, chyba nie mozna, ale tak szczerze to nie wiem :/…
to jest takie wyrazenie, ktore ciezko rozbic na poszczegolne elementy: [Uprzejmie prosimy/Uprasza sie] o jak najszybsze udzielenie odpowiedzi.…
'till' czy tez 'until' Monday sa ok…
> - - to tak dla "spokojności ducha":) mozesz spac spokojnie - wlasnie o to chodzi, i ty to rozumiesz :)…
posuwasz sie coraz dalej w swoich wypowiedziach, co sprawia, ze zacznam myslec o tobie jako o nauczycielce :)…
>>jush > >Co to za nowotwór? jusz ;) a co :P nie podoba sie koleze…
przedimek 'an' stawiamy przed rzeczownikiem, ktory zaczyna sie na samogloaske; rowniez wowczas, kiedy rzeczownik zaczyna sie na spolgloske, ale jest poprzedzony innym wyrazem zaczynajacym si…
>He objects {to} people {criticising} him. >He hates being {criticised} by {} people. > >He hates people treating him like a child. OK >He doesn't like being treated like a chi…
nie zauwazylem she {} >{has} a good sense of >>{humour}…
>I had to small cash so I had to pay credit card? chodzi o to ze mialam >malo pieniedzy i musialam zaplacic karta I had too little cash on me, so I had to pay with my credit card. >kolej…
>My best friend's name is Kasia. She is eighteen. >Kasia is completely {different} from me. She has got long black hair and >big blue eyes. She is {tall} and slim. . She often wears je…
>1)Ever since he {set} out on his lonely travel across >South America, he {has written} to us several times. > >2)For many years David {had} BEEN DREAMING of this trip and {had been} &…
>1) It was only after some time that he learnt who his real father >was. >zdanie ma się zaczynać od słów: NOT UNTIL MUCH LATER {did we learn who his real father was}. >2) The bus driver…
>1)simon expects to obtain the position of a chief accountant. >Simon thinks {he will obtain the position of a chief accountant}. > >2)OK > >3)After completing the research, we …
'almost never' jest mocniejsze od 'hardly ever' (zapomnialem napisac :P…
>engee, ale chyba potwierdzisz, ze to bylo robione translatorem potwierdzam, z malymi zmianami dokonmanymi przez autora watku :)…
>Skąd masz tam "ale mówią na mnie"? a tak sobie wymyslilem >Tam jest kropka po Tomie i >dopiero potem jest Volume powiedział/a, że..... czy jest tam kropka czy jej nie ma…
to jest zajebiscie smieszne!!!! >I have gone for my friend Tom. Volume has said, that concert of my favorite group plays today Mam na imie Tom, alE mowia na mnie Volume hehehe LOL :DDDDD…
>- kiedys nie bylo fontanny(There didn't use to be {a} fountain there/here?) >-kiedys byl parking, a teraz sa schody do podziemia ( There used to be >a parking {lot there/here}, and no…
>...i used to play truant ale rzez to wymyslil hehe When I was going to school, I fell over and was hit by a truck.…