Profil użytkownika Janski - wpisy na forum

1-30 z 603
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Going there doesn't mean getting there.…
" insane" is not OK.…
You could say “You'll be working in sun or rain.” “In sun and rain” implies rain on a sunny day, which, however poetic, is not a common phenomenon and perhaps contrary to the metaphor planned. …
Both are OK. Just make sure you know what “but for you” means.…
Zawsze myślałem że jeżeli "since" znaczy "after" a nie "because" Since doesn’t mean because. It has developed its contemporary figurative meaning of given that from its …
When I see a spider I'm screaming. When I saw a spider I was screaming. The so-called "simultaneity" readings of the subordinating conjunction when are always pragmatically modulated…
If I cook I'm using a lot of salt. OK If I cooked I was using a lot of salt. OK When I see a spider I'm screaming. OK When I saw a spider I was screaming. OK Czyli że już krzyczałem przed …
Język jest fluid i ewoluuje dawniej nie było w polskim języku takiego słowa jak rozkminiać a teraz jest. What was that? Either Polish or English. If you can’t make it from period to period in either,…
Czy ludzie używają takich zwrotów jak np "No pain, no gain"? Czy to jest już wyświechtany zwrot? Some people do all the time. Cliches always work when called for. Try to avoid them.…
Ale np, when she comes we will be playing Może mieć właśnie te dwa zanczenia. To od czego to zależy? Contrasted with the simple “we will play... “(when she comes,) we will be playing…” can communica…
"Never hammer a hammer" = Never (use) force (with) a hammer. Your noun declension stinks. Why only Cleef has to suffer your treatment in “with Lee van Cleef'em?” Lee and van both des…
But how does the causal of relate to breaking free? Breaking free of does not relate to causality. I started from “Free from addiction seems to distance the ex-addict from the source of addiction (…
So if an addict wants to quit his addiction, can he say: 'I'm breaking free from drinking.' ('Uwalniam się od pijaństwa') ? Both would be OK. The difference, however slight, …
You can break/ be/ from and break/be/feel free of... But ... free from is not the same as free of... Free from addiction seems to distance the ex-addict from the source of addiction (le…
"He said he could repair this car today" is OK. I say it’s high time you got a better book.…
This is the age of constipation, ...of obstruction, failing to let go,...…
Czy polskie zdania są poprawnie przetłumaczone na angielski?: Głupota kosztuje. - Stupidity costs. Ignorancja kosztuje. - Ignorance costs. Błędy kosztują. - Mistakes cost. Czy można tak użyć czas…
When you are completely confused about something, unable to cope in a puzzling situation, you could also say that you feel or are lost at sea, but that would be a figurative usage of the phrase. 1) O…
No. "to feel lost" means "to have the sensation of being lost" while not being lost. A 'to feel lost at sea' to jest taki idiom? Co on znaczy? Spotkaliście się w ogóle …
A {[school bus] driver} = a driver who drives a school bus A {student [school bus driver]} = a [student driver] who trains to become a [school bus driver].…
No. "to feel lost" means "to have the sensation of being lost" while not being lost.…
Negotiate a truce, a loan,…; about/on/over the terms of a new deal,….; or negotiate (physically move carefully down, or through, or along) a steep slope, a twisty road,… or negotiate (figuratively …
They gave it a perfunctory/cursory examination, smile, review, greeting…in a perfunctory/cursory manner… It was a half-hearted effort, attempt, performance… They did a slapdash job, gave it a slapda…
A w jakich kontekstach możemy powiedzieć "We break free", a w jakich kontekstach możemy powiedzieć "We're breaking free" ? "We now break free! " either reports wha…
"In the listlessness of despair." In the (state of) listlessness (=in the state of being devoid of desire or interest) caused by despair…
Temporality (and aspectuality issues) aside, they differ in their modality, that is, the epistemic status of the situation that the speaker tries to convey. The progressive indicates epistemic conti…
""She'll be the one to help you" - czyli to jest taka forma rekomendacji, że "ona jest najbardziej kompetentną osobą by ci pomóc", tak? " Yes, “the (best) guy/pers…
Be specific: Dear Consulate, Dear Human Resources, Dear People of Good Will, Dear Supreme Court Judges, Dear Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dear High Commissioner for Useless Enterprises.…
1) Jeżeli ktoś powie "I will do it" i wiemy że jeszcze nie zaczoł tego robić to spokojnie możemy powiedzieć "he said he will do it" nie musimy zmieniać will na would. " Reall…
First you come up with, formulate, make (up), devise, prepare, work out, think up… a plan of action, scheme, design,…and then carry it out, effect, make it happen,...…
1-30 z 603
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