Profil użytkownika Janski - wpisy na forum

331-360 z 658
1. You can't help admiring him. 2. You can't but admire him. 3. You can but admire him. (2) and (3) may seem contradictory, but they are not. Go figure. I can't find any information …
Jesli pisze I'm a photographer based in NY. to znaczy ze obecnie chocby nawet przez rock czasu tu jestem I od np.kilku miesiecy czy to ze tutaj sie urodzilem, wychowalem its?.. I want you to kn…
Jakby ktoś mógłby mi to wytłumaczyć We can work out some kind of answer for you, but first things first: It seems to me that there is a confusion about the term "resultative present perfect.&…
Na wielu forumach, native speakerzy mówią że rezultat jest bardzo mylnym myśleniem jak chodzi o Present prefect vs Past simple. I że tu chodzi o kontekst, ale nie za bardzo tego rozumiem. Jakby ktoś …
Ale przecież każda akcja ma swoje konsekwencje więc trochę nie rozumiem tego stwierdzenia "rezultat/wynik akcji w przeszłości" That's true.Whatever has happened in the past produced s…
continuous love, hate, know - to stany, a ty chcesz opisać proces zamknięty w ramach czasowych What does "proces zamkniety" mean?…
czyli dobrze mi się wydaje, że tu nie ma żadnej zasady "logicznej" wynikającej z sensu zdania? Po prostu znacznie ma to, czy przed jest REQUIRE? No. No. No.…
A decent nick might get you a decent response.…
More natural ways of expressing a corresponding negation would be: > I can’t help obeying her. > I can't help but obey her. > You can't help admiring him. > You …
Any context that would enable me to discriminate between gerund and participle. Was it any context that let you figure out "falling leave"? What is "falling leave"? (a) I take no…
Cześć. Chciałam prosić o pomoc przy poniższych zdaniach. 1. London is England's capital. 2. Washington DC is the capital city of the USA. Dlaczego raz używamy 's, a innym razem of? Przecie…
I think that the example with ‘walking stick’ proves my point that context is necessary All righty, but would your context required be figurative context, textual context, non-textual context, or co-…
1. The relevant domain (current discourse space) within which the uniqueness is to be established is not obvious. Here best is equivalent to (very) well or better than (when I am tired.) 2. "th…
Intransitive discuss is a sloppy flop for talk. Revert (back) to…. is like come (along) with……
BrE vs UsE jest wytłumaczenie . No. In the USA, in the UK, in Canada, and in Australia, and even in New Zealand, the same English grammar applies. Actually, it was a Brit who first objected (of…
Re: I owe you nothing. Since we are speaking business, We are trying to speak English, and you are not talking business. I am a Value Buyer You are not a value buyer, because you are not willing t…
And what should I make of this now? :) Half of the English-speaking world has never heard of the grammatical concepts of gerund and (present) participle. Half of the enlightened fifty percent does n…
His religious beliefs precluded him from serving in the army. His religious beliefs precluded him/his serving in the army. Rozumiem użycie him/his; chodzi mi o 'from'. Wyczuwam nacisk w p…
Janski: In preschool, children hear the first of the forbidden things that come in triads: When the leaves are three, let it be. In middle school, they graduate to the next triad of banned things, …
"We don't even talk, unless 'bout the weather" Chyba jednak unless nie będzie w tym kontekście poprawnie? You need a period at the end, but other than that, it is perfect as is.…
Proszę o pomoc w wytłumaczeniu różnicy pomiędzy: His religious beliefs precluded him from serving in the army. His religious beliefs precluded him/his serving in the army. Rozumiem użycie him/his; c…
In other words, present habituals (and generics) belong in the "structural world knowledge" or "necessary reality" that obtains now and can be predicated in accordance with the spe…
Czemu ta forma nie jest poprawna On Fridays, my dad is always buying fresh fish from the market. ? The simple present expresses a habitual, state-like and stable situation. It denotes an established…
I forgot to comment on unpropitious: I love it.…
Why conditions of the shipment are so ... ? Let's start with "why (no article?) conditions of the shipment…?" The more definite "the shipment " is, the more forcefully it d…
But here's no chance of utilizing 'possibility' in that sentence, I'm afraid. Utilizing and utilization suggests a deliberate decision or--quite often futile--effort to employ or …
Profit is what is left after subtracting purchase price or production cost from selling price. Bonds, (term) certificates of deposits, commercial papers… mature. Returns, interest earned, accruals, …
A chance of success (formal or informal). A risk of failure (formal or informal). A possibility is neutral (either of failure or of success). Here: only possibility is possible.…
Tak, dłuższa czynność przerwana krótką zawsze ma pierwszeństwo w zastosowaniach Have you ever tried to figure out why the English language has this odd-ball-looking verbal construct known as continuo…
Szczerze mówiąc nie wiem, dlaczego używa xxx of, a nie the xxx of, np. Shadow of the Collosus, Shadow of the Tomb Rider. Być może shadow występuje też jako niepoliczalny. Backdrop 1: The day Merle …
331-360 z 658