Profil użytkownika Janski - wpisy na forum

601-630 z 658
>My grandmother told me to cover my eyes from time to time, but I was >peeping through the gap of my fingers and later on had problems with >falling asleep. Your fingers have gaps? ..…
Are you still there?…
Greek gods have nothing to do with it. You tell me the two apart.…
But I failed to add why... Ir's the more and more thing. Stative is gone, transient is in. That's how it works in my house.…
>I am loving it - rzeczywiscie sens loving i enyoing jest ten sam :) That deserves a yes. >I love it - jesli chodzi o uczucia...o milosc a nie o czerpanie >przyjemnosci z czegos And…
>(te co >jeszcze nie chodzą) >Te co do szkoły >poszły, w ciągu roku nauczyły się mówić jak native speakerzy. What the f. is that?…
You are not just egging me on, are you? I am ready to get cracking, and you know what I mean. I mean serious business.…
>Are they organic? Royalty expects the best. Most definitely. The free rangers that had the honor of bearing them were fed on royal delicacies and, I can assure you, were never disciplined or ot…
>Witam wszystkich! Czy ktoś mógłby wyjaśnić mi różnicę znaczeniową >pomiędzy słowami: reward, award, prize? Prizes are won in contests or other competitive endeavors. Awards are bestowed …
>Just outside of > I like the whole faith, fidelity, and progressively Canadian fun enchilada, especially when royally scrambled. >You wouldn't…
>Zasypani jesteście? Ja mam za oknem dwumetrowe zaspy śniegu. A >dzisiaj na dokładkę jest -27 stopni. That feels and smells Canadian. What (neck of) the woods is this engaging personality r…
>She's single :) Letting this engaging personality lie uncultivated is the eighth mortal sin.…
Those little pesky--and often missing in slovenly writing-- 's things, not to mention missing commas, can give you a real headache. ...the smart money is probably still on P being different …
>Potrzebuje pomocy gdyż nie wiem :jak rozróżnić czy zdanie jest phrase >czy clause? Do you really care? If you do, why?…
Try not to help them, please. Get a date or something. You need all the help you can get. The right date might do it.…
eyelashes>.... I like that in a woman.…
> LOL.…
>A person wanting in common sense, ability... = Someone who could use >(some, some more, more often) common sense, ability...That's what I >think about him; I don't know what his …
>tomejto tomahto :) >Ktoś chcący $ lub rzeczy na sprzedaż (bo ich nie ma - >lacking,deficient, without). Objection. A person wanting in common sense, ability... = Someone who could us…
>This "wanting" means lacking, being deficient." or "without."…
uzywanie want czy to w formie ciaglej czy jako infinitive jest >jak najbardziej poprawne w kazdym towarzystwie :) You should get around more.…
>I'm liking this forum more and more. Yes. You've scored big. I don't think they understand that though.…
>W tym Twoim zdaniu "want" wcale znaczenia nie zmienia - dalej znaczy >"chcieć". Well, no points for you here. This "wanting" means lacking, being deficient.&q…
To your obnoxious boss: Oh no, after you. Age before beauty. Who cares about gender? Works both ways.…
"Tall" is about being tall from bottom to top, from base to summit; "high" is about elevation: The 100-storey building is tall. The apartment on the top floor is high up there. …
>People who have any information should contact the police. That's a sloppy sentence. The people who have any information (really any information?) should contact the police.…
>Who(m) did you address your rude remark to? To whom did you address >your rude remark? > >Halfwit people would ask: Who(m) did you addressed your rude remark >to? ;-) To you, ha…
>I am asking about using of "gave" in these questions.... ;-) Are you sure? Another halfwit. By the way, it's ..about using (no "of") "gave"... or ...about TH…
>>>"Who did you gave the car to?" is informal but OK. > >>>"Whom did you gave the car to?" is again formal but OK. > > >??? >Are you sure? …
601-630 z 658