moim zd. po co powtarzac to abroad 2 razy , lepiej wg. mnie np. : If I lived abroad , I would find a job more easily than living in Poland because there are more jobs .…
..I cleaned ( co takiego? okna, pokoj,naczynia..)
it was too late
'the next day waiting ......'- zly szyk w calym zdaniu,poprzez co nie jest to zrozumiale
I will have to get up earl…
zgrabniej :...have a lots of prons and cons and it rather depends upon one's individual choice where to..
...does all of that make sense or what is the reason why..…
moim zdaniem lepiej :not many cars ...
people have no perspectives...
childrens sometimes has to go there five kilometers (?) zle, - lepiej ..children have to go 5 kms to get there.…
ponadto :he could not find ( czego ??) and stormed out
'It was weird for( TO) me when suddenly(after a few minutes embarrassed silence ) he started to looking for something''- nie rozum…
We got to know (some, many, a couple of ) great people,...they visited Poland,
''When we are ( a nie were ?) going to London...
I DON"T CAN"T WAIT? - nie rozumiem tego ,.może mial…
ok jesli musimy byc " hypercorrect" to tak ,..If only I was/ were happier...czy to nie znaczy ze " szkoda ze nie jestem szczesliwszy " jesli tylko bym byl szczesliwszy - to wtedy …
II 8 were, bo w tej konstrukcji i w conditionalach uzywa sie were zamiast was, bo to taki powazny jezyk
Tak, chociaż spotkalem ludzi co mowią ,ze z powodzeniem mozna dac 'was" ...were pod…
1.tak, jesli 'since' to present perfect lub present perfect progressive.. 'Want' raczej tutaj nie pasuje do czasów perfect .Moim zdaniem np: . I have dreamt/ been dreaming about g…
np.over all the Earth (???) Brzmi to niezdarnie i nie spotkalem sie taką konstrukcją nigdzie. . L" All over the World/ throughout the World. ' owszem, lepiej by brzmialo…
I obviously was kidding , quite to be honest, I've got nothing to do with politicians but the only thing is that we all , as the Country deserve better after all these years . What is ahead? Hmm…
Well,I don't maintain that I was right but I have only put out these things from my perspective. You have all rights to disagree . We don't have to have Arcibishop's brain to conclude t…
Well , I think the way out would have been amongst better ones. We should not be too naive to dive into thinking that our The Prime Minister is willing to do his best for us .
He's rather wi…