Profil użytkownika engee30 - wpisy na forum

>* Oni siedzieli na plaży, gdy nagle przyszedł Ben. > They were sitting on the beach when Ben came. > >* Oglądałem telewizję, gdy zadzwonił telefon. > I was watching TV when the {te…
w tym znaczeniu - tak…
>Czy zdanie: I liked him, because he wasn't like another boys. >(Lubiłam go, bo nie był taki jak inni chłopcy) jest poprawne? I liked him because he wasn't like other boys. - jak i…
I ain't wanna get into trouble jest tez fajna alternatywa.…
>1 If you arrive early you {will} HAVE to wait. >2 If you arrived early you {would have} to wait. >3 If you had arrived early you WOLUD HAVE {had} to wait. >4 If you stop smoking you WI…
w zargonie medycznym te ON czesto zanika, jak znalazl to Przemo, ale na egzaminie to nie przejdzie 'He was operated on yesterday' to jedyna pelna, poprawna forma.…
>engee, you're overanalyzing this I know, but that's the way you could actually think; besides, most of the posts in this thread deal with such usages.…
>W zeszlym roku o tej porze mieszkalem we Francji. Tak mi sie wydaje no widzisz, jak to brzmi absurdalnie w kontexcie ponizszego: Imagine it's one o'clock. Someone says: This time ye…
a jak je tlumacza?…
>Ale np. mozesz powiedziec: This time last year I was living in >France. to zdanie to jest absurd…
What does he enjoy doing in his free time? Swimming with his sons and walking in the mountains.…
set off in pursuit of somebody…
mowi sie 'rent of £700' co znaczy 'czynsz w wysokosci £700' ale mowiac, ze za cos sie tyle placi, uzywasz 'rent for' 'a rent of £700 …
I'll let you know when I'm ready. vs I'll let you know when I'll be ready. Dwa powyzsze zdania sa poprawne, ale roznia sie znaczeniem. W #1 mowimy o MOMENCIE, w jakim cie pow…
'lest' to jest 'aby nie...' po 'lest' w zdaniu podzrednym moze wystapic albo 'should + czasownik' albo tryb przypuszczajacy 'subjunctive mood' He di…
There are [no chances of finding] any survivors from... lub There are [no reports whatsoever of] any survivirs from...…
>1. I used to steal walnuts from my grandfather's garden and never >worried about BEING FOUND out (2 słowa). >2. There are NO SIGNS/INDICATIONS OF any survivors from >yesterday…
The scene is ONE OF the most laudable battle SCENES ever made. vs The SCENE is the most laudable battle SCENE ever made.…
>Great, and if you like RM, do you like the entity or the players? you may well know that, in this case, it's a matter of somebody's preference, not grammar…
>Nobody apart from Bill thought that it would work. >ONLY Bill thought that it would work.…
>Ale uparty co? >Szkoda gadac. he's alright, anyway…
Real Madrid (as entity) is a football club. - here, you specify WHAT Real Madrid is Real Madrid (as players) have won the Spanish league title again. - here, you specify WHO has the title…
>And what about 'Liverpool are in the lead" "if Liverpool score', >etc.? it's the same thing, mg - it's the football players that score, not the club itself…
>They always say 'Liverpool are', 'Barcelona are' on TV... it's because they're referring to the members of the football club, not to the club itself; it's not t…
prettily i gently (y zamieniasz na i + ly; e znika + ly)…
>pomóżcie mi znaleść brakujące 2 slowa prosze na tyle liter ile jest >kresek >Bahamas are popular holiday D E S T I N A T I O N. >A fire fighter often S A V E S lives. >proszę o pom…
>I need iTV to watch "the X-factor" with Cheryl :D hey nils, I think I've got a solution to your problem (I've been able to sort it out :) this could be the greatest day of y…
under an open sky (outdoors)…
lepiej daj swoje wypociny tutaj to ci ktos je juz maxymalnie sprawdzi, i nie bedziesz mial juz watpliwosci co do poprawnosci :)…
ze mna uda ci sie na bank >1.Najwyższy czas abyś przestał pić. najwyzszy czas to angielskie 'it's high time'; po tym wyrazeniu masz zastosowac czas past simple - w naszym wypadku…