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tlumaczenie bylo z angielskiego na polski coraz wiecej dodajesz od siebie tlumaczenie bylo z angielskiego na polski tekst sie rozlazi tlumaczenie bylo z angielskiego na polski kiedy zrozumiesz, że tl…
to jest bardzo zle tlumaczenie na angielski…
przeciez to ty masz udzielic prawidlowych odpowiedzi…
ochlonac uswiadomic sobie kierunek tlumaczenia poczytac o healthful…
e, może być może 'bezpieczeństwa robót...'?…
'I' wielką literą…
tak samo? a ja tam widze 'to' zamiast 'you'…
8.4 ok 8.1 wyrazenie ok, ale potem 'ze moglbys zajac sie'= that you could/might take up...…
jest ok probuj dalej…
Key word transformation: 1) The cleaner is tidying the house for the couple. (ARE) konstrukcja z have 2) The manager insisted that they chech out immediately. (MADE) make w znaczeniu podobnym do insis…
czekasz na frajera? czekaj tlumaczysz sam i wklejasz tu, moze ktos wskaze bledy.…
nie ma w angielskim 'it have' brak it, to, the trzeba opisywac/wyjasniac osobno, nie bylbym zadowolony ze zwyklego wymienienia tych kontrastow in winter to jest time adverbial, mylisz czesci…
po when w takich zdaniach jest czas terazniejszy lepiej napisac when I come of age when I reach voting age…
a ja nadal nie wiem, czy wymyslasz swoj wlasny termin, czy szukasz angielskiego odpowiednika ustalonego polskiego terminu gramatycznie znowu jest ok…
nie wiemy jezeli jest taki termin, to trzeba sprawdzic w odpowiednim slowniku terminologicxznym gramatycznie jest ok…
I have computer skills and I learn very fast how to operate with every new navigational equipment and various types of devices. I can do work under pressure. When I work under pressure then I can util…
"OP issue resolved and is happy. " you see, that is quite symptomatic. He wants to get his homework done, so he wrote something and instead of trying to teach him by helping him to correct h…
Simon has, quote, clients, unquote. That explains why he is keen to write in English for his clients rather than help them learn things. Simon, be prepared to find many more direct requests to do home…
'more of a fool' is not an argument in a discussion about linguistics. I have given you examples that show you are wrong about the very concept of nominalisations, but all you give is explet…
You combine analytical ineptitude with phraseological fluency. Dangerous if you are losing, because you are never going to admit that.…
"after you bang your head on a brick wall it starts to hurt after a while..." I didn't know that until you started posting here.…
He quickly dragged a YELLOW comb through his hair. Nominalisation or no nominalisation? I have 20+ years of experience as an English teacher, translator, translator trainer, academic, etc.…
How do you recognise a 'weak verb'? To me, you are working under the logical fallacy that if a verb VB is followed by a noun that can be converted into a verb, the verb VB must be a weak ver…
don't show so openly that you didn't understand what I wrote. I have presented my arguments and now it is your turn to deny them. 'I'm still waiting' adds nothing to this disc…
The noun 'comb' does not represent the activity of combing. If it did, a sentence like "I have bought a comb' would contain a nominalisation too. 'drag' is not a weak ver…
There is no nominalisation there. 'Comb' refers to an actual object; it is not a derivative of the verb 'to comb'…
powinien mówić 'a one' ale to nie będzie zrozumiale po angielsku, jedynie w polskim kontekście…
@Gracz in spite of sth despite sth @robin although = chociaż chociaż całej dodatkowej pomocy, jaką uzyskali?…
nie wiem, co to ma wspolnego z trudnoscia, bo mam za malo wlosow, ale moze ktos inny sie wypowie?…