Profil użytkownika Janski - wpisy na forum

391-420 z 652
PP nie powinienem używać w stosunku do osób nieżyjących, gdyż nie mają one związku z teraźniejszością. W takiej sytuacji stosuje się PtS. Jeśli chcę napisać, że Charlie Chaplin był świetnym aktorem, t…
tak jak mg to uwypukla, 'as' sprowadza sie do czasownika 'be', a wyrazanie czyjegos 'capacity' jest jego pochodna, ktore nie moze byc wg twego 'end of story' N…
Czy konstrukcji not the least/not in the least/not the least bit można używać w stopniu wyższym? I'm not in the least bit happier now. In the least (bit just wastes some oxygen that you have to…
Mam problem z określeniem do której grupy należą pewne określniki czasu. Mógłby mi ktoś pomóc? Get your teacher by the balls, squize them, and have him explain these ( so called adverbial temporals …
Jaka jest różnica między tymi zdaniami: I wrote the letter. I have written the letter. I czy można tych czasów używać zamiennie w pewnych przypadkach? There is a difference between the two tenses. …
Jesli nie wiesz czy zyje czy nie to najlepiej wlasnie powiedziec is the author of. Po co sie na sile upierasz przy write? Nikt Ci tu nic wiecej nie doradzi, bo sie nie da. Are you kidding? YOUR BRAI…
one is factive and the other one is semel. Enough of this horse manure. As a Z… carries its coded meaning of in the capacity of Z.... It takes effort to coerce any other meanings. End of story. A…
??? How is your sex being doing? Any luck in this department?…
Dzień dobry, I tutaj jest moje pytanie. Otóż, skoro mówimy 'I hope you are having a great time", dlaczego nikt nie mówi (a nawet dla wielu osób brzmi to niepoprawnie) 'I hope for you t…
Apart from being sexist, these examples are ambiguous at best. You're good at obfuscation, Janski, I'll grant you that, but you need something more to prove your point here. Every statem…
and, yes, I know that 'study' and 'graduate' belong to different verb classes, but the fallacy is still there. No, you don't know. Name the classes.…
She studied psychology at Harvard as a student. and She has studied psychology at Harvard (as a student) However I still can imagine that I can use the present perfect in this kind of situation: In…
Besides, here the difference is immaterial Wrong again. As a student = when you were a student As (a) student does not mean when you were a student. Other than that, context belongs on your list …
Minor detail Definitely not a minor detail as engee took the original context into account when giving his two cents on the topic. Have the courage to admit you were wrong? You tell me the differen…
Anything is possible outside of the original context "As a student, she studied/has studied psychology. " This was the original context Minor detail that doesn't change the main idea…
did jak już nie studiuje , has done jeśli nadal studiuje , tak to odbieram to sie zgadza rowniez z moim tokiem myslenia WRONG CONCLUSIONS, both of you. Let's say that I know that you studied ps…
dla mnie jak drut past simple. a pytam dlatego, że z moich starych notatek wynika, że to niby present perfect, ale możliwe, że to tylko błąd. Dlatego pytam o Wasze zdanie w tym temacie. Talking overa…
T h e r e i s a i g n o r i t…
Czyli po prostu trzeba zmienić na many? "it brings much weird feelings" Weird alone is weird enough and doesn't need reinforcements. Many weird feelings will call for some kind of i…
Maybe the point is that the English don't perceive toast like a kind of sandwich but only like a kind of bread, which is certainly uncountable That's the secret. Toast today is short for …
Thank you Janski for your help but I'm afraid I'm not quite sure what the word boundable means. I guess asking me if sth is boundable you meant that we can divide it into independent units …
We can't draw a boundary around a thing if we don't know what this noun really represents, don't can we? How observant of you, you piece if shit.…
i zastanawia mnie dlaczego ,,pea'' jest policzalne, przecież groszek kojarzy mi się jak makaron, w którym to klusek się nie liczy i jest niepoliczalny, dlatego tak samo groszku się nie liczy…
Wiesz...nie zawsze to co w j. polskim jest policzalne musi być policzalne w angielskim i odwrotnie. Nie istnieje chyba jakaś jedna reguła pozwalająca na szybkie zorientowanie się czy dane słowo jest p…
get on with it = get started on it: czy ja wiem? ' to get on with ' / let's just get started ...."to raczej ciągnąć coś dalej ,kontynuować, coś jak ' to keep up with / t…
(1) Where have you found the ad? (2) Where have you hidden the ad? (3) You have found the add quickly. Impossible with quickly. (4) You have found the add in no time at all. (5) You have found the ad…
I heard a song " Get down on it" ...why 'on' was put there ? I 'd rather say " ' 'get down to it ' or I;m just not getting this right. get (down) on it …
Which of the stand-alone sentences below is or are grammatically acceptable and why? Which are not and why? Good answers sans their whys don't count. (1) Where have you found the ad? (2) Wher…
Dziękuję za odpowiedź - Janski - właśnie o to mi chodziło :) - rozumiem, że mogłabym też powiedzieć over the park? Jeśli dobrze mi się wydaje to over the sea byłoby trochę bez sensu, gdyż może jest..j…
391-420 z 652