Może mi ktoś wytłumaczyć dlaczego jest "the Earth" a reszta planet nie ma przedimka? :)
Edit: jeszcze jedno pytanko
We spent our holiday at a nice hotel near the River Thames.
a jakby było…
I have a problem with a Romani girl. I need a passport SO she can leave for England
Czy w tym przypadku SO oznacza to samo co so that?
SInce you mean to say "so that," say "so that.&qu…
Take : decision at onset, intention at departure
Bring : deliver for attainment at destination
Która wersja jest poprawna, no i dlaczego. Intuicyjnie powiedziałbym "brought".
Because you…
policja jest zawsze w mnogiej
Every town needs a police that is respectful of the law and is aware of its responsibilities.
Every town needs (no article or a) police to enforce the laws.
An examinati…
Mam pytanie czy poprawnie jest:
... bo inaczej Cię zwolnią - because otherwise you'll be fired.
czy bez ,,because''
... otherwise you'll be fired ?
Also watch the punctuation befo…
>1. (-) jazz music isn't my favourite.
The jazz mussic isn't... is possible.
>7. (The) Chinese are hardworking people.
Chinese are hard working... is possible. You misinform peop…
>Follow thid advice, otherwise you're going to find there are many more
>sarcastic old pricks here and we're not science-fiction characters.
You asshole are a bully.…
>I'm not "trying" to be sarcastic, my reply was dripping with
Run-on sentence. Lousy punctuation.
>A number of people have gently suggested you take a differen…
>Devil is in the detail.
The devil is in the detail.
>Anyway, thank you all [I thank all of you/thanks to all of you] for your reponses./ (I know the expression "last
>No dobrze hehe "for a little longer" :P ale ja miałam transformację w
>ćwiczeniu więc zdanie odnosiło się do tego samego czasu
>, no i na tej stronie nie zrozumiałam różnicy pomi…
>prosta sprawa: it's the first/second/etc time...are followed by the
>present perfect simple
It's the first time I am going to roast a pig this coming weekend.
Lo and behold, ther…
>Mam pytanie dlaczego w zdaniu The last time I was in Prague was in
>1986. jest IN, a w zdaniu I haven't been to Prague since.. jest TO
"The last time I was in Prague was …
yes Terri, ur right. You could use "buzz" as uniwersal sound to
>suggest the source of noise e.g. bee, alarm, murmur .
..use "buzz" as A universal sound (what the heck is &q…
>Your answer is pretty good, enough competent.
Yours is not.
...competent enough. "Enough competent" is not competent at all.
"Buzzing with" means "being excited"…
(But, So) What's the catch?
(But, So) Where's the catch?
Those look like questions, but they are often not expected to be answered.
There's got to be a catch/there must be a cat…
>Text colors hurt my eyes. lub
>Text colors burn my eyes.
That/the (name the color, e.g. bright magenta) type color hurts my eyes.
Here "type" is better than "text."
>I would use: They have been continually quarreling... because Your
>example does not follow the rule: The action may not be happening
>exactly now, but it is happening just before and just…
Wisenheimer One:
robią to często a Tobie sie to nie podoba. Poczytaj o uzyciu always z present
Wisenheimer Two:
They're continually quarrelling.-użyto present continuous, bo to jest krytyka…
>tak, casing to odpowiednie slowo
You have a computer in a case or in a housing or in a chassis. Computer casing is like sausage casing: an unbound phenomenon of boxing floating in mid air while…
>Mówiąc o preferencjach, cześciej spotkamy formę I like
>swimming/dancing etc. (gerund). Taki sam wzór mają inne czasowniki:
>hate, dilike, can't stand etc.
You are confused.
>"I'm a 17-year old amateur photographer from Poland. Since boyhood, I
>have had a passion for the natural world and photography. I started
>taking photos during the summer of 200…