>bo trochę głupio mi brzmi "the story is set in King Arthur's times,
>when knights were still supposed to live in tune with Chivalric code"
...in tune with Chivalric code?
>The thesis adviser might not understand 'the lie of the land'. That's
>not geographic terminology.
"The lie of the land" is very much apropos of all of this.
It me…
>>By the bye, you misplaced the word "only".
What's the score these days? Six-zip?
You are asking this fool for…
"Of Colour" implies "non-Caucasian" (non-white). "Non-whites" is an umbrella term covering all the races whose skin is not white.
You will have to find the right Polish…
>1) Pierwsze dość standardowe, ale mimo to naprawdę nie wiem jak
>powinno się tłumaczyć: "people of colour". Pełne tego znaczenie, to
>ludzie innych kolorów skóry niż biały, ale j…
>1) Pierwsze dość standardowe, ale mimo to naprawdę nie wiem jak
>powinno się tłumaczyć: "people of colour". Pełne tego znaczenie, to
>ludzie innych kolorów skóry niż biały, ale j…
>Siunia went shopping and bought a watermelon. Now, Siunia is
>munching on watermelon and To_ja is craving watermelon.
These don't explain much. You could munch on a melon or on melon, …
You must be a man to be a butler.
I am a butler of Mr. Borys who... is no good regardless of your gender.
I am a butler of Mr. Borys's (if you mean to say he has more than one butler.) He/…
>Wiem, co oznacza "ever", ale jakoś mi do tego zdania kompletnie nie
>pasuje, dlatego pytam...
This "ever" makes a bag of all he cares to remember about babysitting 10 …
If you understand this and if you understand English articles, you will almost be there. "Almost" because of your accent.
Now back to your tense question.
>which was named after its…
>1. This is a public forum and I'm entitled to my opinion whether you
>like it or not. Be mature enough to deal with it :)
You are entitled to your freedoms, and everybody else is entit…
>Czy ktoś wie jak powiedzieć po angielsku "można zauważyć swego rodzaju
>nasilenie..." tak żeby nie używać wyrażenia w rodzaju "sort of" ?
The simplest word is &quo…