Hi Bitch Bag,
Fat and hideous as you are, you cannot be offended by "giberose mumbo-jumbo."
By "convex tumid in sense of vocabulation."
You are not puzzled by "He tal…
The right to use the English language shall be taken away from you ASAP. Your tongue shall be ripped off, your fingers capable of driving a pen hacked off at the knuckles, and your co…
Diane Law has penned a handy dictionary. She covered a lot of ground--from "AAA-rated" to "in the zone." The fruit of her labor is known as "A Dictionary of Bulls…
>Ja bym napisała "Greatest buildings are made of smallest bricks".
That's good. I like it.
You could also flip it around a little to make the sentence active:
Smallest …
>Task-oriented individuals are most interested in using their
>cognitive abilities to solve problems. They focus on performance and
>People-oriented individuals are more…
>Te tlumaczenia z ling.pl nie podaja przeciez tez zadnych kontekstow.
>Albo jezyk sie rozumie albo nie.
Get yourself a better dic.
You may be hung up about or on something, which happens …
>I am hung up.= I am stymied/baffled.
>I am hunging up on you. I am hanging up on you. I am ending the conversation with you by replacing the receiver on the hook.…
Without/Absent the trip to Barcelona, I couldn't say I felt the spirit of Spain at all.
If it weren't for the trip to Barcelona, I couldn't say I felt...…
People knock at the door of a house because they usually do that before they enter.
People knock on the door because they perhaps want to produce the sound of knocking on the door for some reason.
If I knew you well and if I kicked your butt so that you wouldn't know who did this good deed--and that would be my good deed for the day--it would be an inside job.
It takes at least two livi…
>Tłumaczy się w zależności od kontekstu i tak żeby oddać sens tego co
>native speaker miał na myśli. A to czy się użyje takiego czy innego
>polskiego słowa to sprawa jakby drugorzędna. Świe…
>Do you want to go on a tour to Gdańsk in September ?
A tour to Gdansk and XXX and back to ZZZ? A tour of Gdansk?
>Yesterday I found out that there are still free places.
...free places…
>if someone wants to say 'say' and not 'claim' - perhaps we had better
>leave it at that. Maybe the person does not know the meaning of the
>word 'claim…
>Johny still continues believe in and be loyal to his romantic ideals. (no comma here)
I can improve on this: ...still keeps continuing carrying on with pursuing his believing and being loyal to…
>It must be stable in long time course
It must be stable in the long run.
>It is subortinted of weather factors
It is subordinate to(=dependent on) weather factors.…
>I speak english poorly and I would prefer to not compromise myself.
Your English may be pathetic or lousy or simply bad... Don't speak English poorly. Speak poor/broken English instead.