Profil użytkownika Janski - wpisy na forum

511-540 z 603
moge means 'I can decide not to go there... Thank you.…
Na tym forum nie tłumaczą Why not? tylko >sprawdzają i poprawiają. Why is that?…
"Consist in" means have as its main characteristic. "Involve" means require. "Entail" means necessitate or reqiuire. How about "is (all) about"?…
"Mogę tam nie >iść, jeśli chcesz."; First you tell me what your "moge" is supposed to mean. If it means "allowed," I am allowed not to go there, and I won'…
I comma-spliced one of them. >The (theoretical?eally? skip) front matter is* a résumé of local >government budgeting operations**. It also outlines key concepts in task-based >budgeting …
>The thesis addresses the issue of assessing the effectiveness of task-based >budgeting as a management tool used by local government. This thesis attempts to assess the effectiveness of task…
"Quick" takes little time or acts immediately: quick thinking, quick reaction, quick succession, quick response. "Fast" moves at high speed: fast train, fast horse, fast car. …
Cornflakes are countable perhaps because flakes are countable. Cornflakes means flakes of corn, just as snowflakes mean flakes of snow. I don't think it's about the flake size. "Gr…
Shaping the Personal Value System of... . A Case Study in a Penitentiary in Zamosc.…
>1. Pierwszy rozdział przedstawia problematykę badawczą w świetle >literatury. Chapter One... the rest means zilch. >2. skok w dal z miejsca The (two-footed or two-legged, or single leg…
Three bathrooms is not enough for a family of four. Horses is the princess's thing.…
Is this of a must? No. "All" before a noun works, and "of" is not needed. "All" wants to be before a noun. After a noun, "all" is very much questionab…
>Mr Janski ( or Missus ?, no disrespect intended :) , by virtue of >being a learner of english I'm ( and I've always been in fact) humbly >open to anyone's suggestions,let al…
>witam czy mógłby mi ktoś powiedzieć jak napisać: Przygotowywałam >warsztaty (zajęcia)z wiedzy o unii europejskiej w ramach kółka >europejskiego. - z góry dziekuje No. But you should be…
>Where else does it jar with your "ear" ? Holy. Everywhere.…
>Po krótkim namyśle skłonię się jednak ku użyciu simple past bez >względu na rezultaty, bo w takiej sytuacji twoim pierwszym odruchem >będzie skupienie się na czynności którą ktoś wykonał (…
>The Coverage of the 'March 11 2004' (te dany cos nie tak wygladaja >dla mnie, czy nie lepiej 11th March 2004).. The –th thingy wouldn't contribute anything worthwhi…
"The Coverage of the March 11 2004 Madrid Attack by the Polish (Mass)/Mainstream Media." "Mainstream" implies more. Media are not supposed to react or respond to anything. Th…
>Did you have a beauty pageant in mind? >hideous, pretty, Your punctuation is lousy. >Love the use of "ain't" BTW, really hits me where I live. You don't know wher…
"...the above sentence" is hideous. "...the sentence above" is not. "...currently playing anything" ain't the prettiest blob on the block either.…
>And in my dreams it feels as if we were forty storeys tall. Why would we grow so tall, for Pete's sake?…
>Healthy food to po prostu zdrowe jedzenie. Natomiast pojęcia "health >food" (można by przetłumaczyć "jedzenie dla zdrowia") używa się dla >konkretnych typów zdrowego je…
Both are perfect, as it were. "She's been playing the violin since she was 3" draws your attention to the activity. She must have been practicing for years. "She has played…
>I'm not used to dining late Yes. Neither am I. >A boy is not used to sleeping alone. Yes. Yes. Yes. Neither am I.…
>He's got a knife in his pocket. >He has a knife in his pocket. In America, the difference may be little, but it is there. "I've got" implies effort or commitment spent …
An "off the shelf" product today means a commodity. I don't mean pork bellies or frozen orange juice. I mean things that you don't have to custom order. Ready-made things that are …
>And where the hell have you been, if you don't mind my asking? I >thought you dumped me and I've been crying my eyes out. O my, I've had a situation (young students of the…
>It's good to hear you click again. But why are you on wrong side of >the fence? I dont know why, but the side is the wrong side. You go figure that. Anyway, I am alive and well. wil…
>inform you i bez przecinka przed "that". Hi Princess, I love your prissiness. It's good to hear you click again. But why are you on wrong side of the fence? Here is a little …
511-540 z 603