Profil użytkownika Bednar87 - wpisy na forum

1-30 z 1518
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JA słyszę "the" :)…
imho 7) to 10)way 11)how 14)best…
to set sth on fire to light a candle to turn on the gas. …
the Metropole Hotel :) - policemen ;P…
Saturday chillout.…
REPETITIVE has a negative connotation; it doesn't fit here. The correct answer is a) Constant topic of discussion. Steady doesn't collocate with topic so it's not b) either…
most likely also the cliffs at a seaside....…
the Lake District the darkness the grass a brave rescue a case of…
a …
w ćwiczeniu pewnie chodzi o phrasal verbs z up. 1 już masz, 2 podał mg, 3 fui_eu, 4 podałeś ale w złym czasie, a do 5 masz podpowiedź od mg…
the trick…
The game was purchased on Thursday and is in perfect condition. Will ship immediately after the payment has cleared. I will upload more photos on Monday.…
it never gets old…
Też nie wiedziałem co to suchoty. No nic idę dalej zasilać grono debili ;-)…
I read Lewis a long time ago and was heavily influenced by his book. Might be why I often use his phrasing when I explain something to somebody. Lewis made me understand (kind of) how the tenses actua…
also a non-factual one, but different :D :D Okay, I might not have expressed myself clearly. The way I worded my initial post might suggest that the two states are different in terms of factuality (i…
I didn't mean to write factual, but rather non-factual; it's my perception of NOW that matters. …
(2) Not much too explain, I think. Would refers to Past Time (hence the have), and expresses a remoteness of possibility. …
(1) Given the present situation and my perception of it, the situation to which I am referring must be true. Will, like every other modal verb, carries a sense of non-factuality; it refers to two stat…
a poor man's sth to po prostu gorsza, bardziej uboga itd wersja czegoś lepszego a poor man's shield (referring to the bottom of a barrel) itd…
czyli ja i ty możemy o ziązku zapomnieć, bo nie dasz mi tych rzeczy, które może dać mi Shane…
tyle wiem, ze used to: używamy, kiedy chcemy powiedziec, o tym co dzilao sie w przeszłości i w terazniejszosci nie jest prawdziwe. To akurat nieprawda. I used to live in Warsaw nie oznacza, że tera…
w ang nie ma czasu przyszłego więc tylko dwa. teraźniejszy i przeszły ;-)…
lol elusive? Just go with a simple "I am away from the office until XXX and will get back to you as soon as I return" Nie ważne. Dopiero zobaczyłem, że nie o biuro chodzi. I am unavailable…
The difference lies in the semantics of the prepositions. You can't really explain the difference here without a specific context or you would have to write a wall of tex explaining the nuances o…
I should have known better than to let you go alone.... :)…
Wyjaśnienie "pierwszy raz w kontekascie" jest strasznie mylące i wprowadza w błąd. Jeśli siedzisz w barze i pokazujesz na gościa kłócącego się z kelnerem, szturchasz kumpla i mówisz "Do…
1-30 z 1518
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