REPETITIVE has a negative connotation; it doesn't fit here. The correct answer is a) Constant topic of discussion. Steady doesn't collocate with topic so it's not b) either…
The game was purchased on Thursday and is in perfect condition. Will ship immediately after the payment has cleared. I will upload more photos on Monday.…
I read Lewis a long time ago and was heavily influenced by his book. Might be why I often use his phrasing when I explain something to somebody. Lewis made me understand (kind of) how the tenses actua…
also a non-factual one, but different :D :D
Okay, I might not have expressed myself clearly. The way I worded my initial post might suggest that the two states are different in terms of factuality (i…
(1) Given the present situation and my perception of it, the situation to which I am referring must be true. Will, like every other modal verb, carries a sense of non-factuality; it refers to two stat…
tyle wiem, ze
used to: używamy, kiedy chcemy powiedziec, o tym co dzilao sie w przeszłości i w terazniejszosci nie jest prawdziwe.
To akurat nieprawda.
I used to live in Warsaw nie oznacza, że tera…
lol elusive? Just go with a simple "I am away from the office until XXX and will get back to you as soon as I return"
Nie ważne. Dopiero zobaczyłem, że nie o biuro chodzi.
I am unavailable…
The difference lies in the semantics of the prepositions. You can't really explain the difference here without a specific context or you would have to write a wall of tex explaining the nuances o…
Wyjaśnienie "pierwszy raz w kontekascie" jest strasznie mylące i wprowadza w błąd. Jeśli siedzisz w barze i pokazujesz na gościa kłócącego się z kelnerem, szturchasz kumpla i mówisz "Do…