Profil użytkownika engee30 - wpisy na forum

>w sensie: zbyt za mlody 'zbyt' oraz 'za' sa w j.polskim synonimami - piszac takie zdanie popelniasz tautologie!…
oba znacza to samo, tyle ze 'kid' jest bardziej swobodne, niz 'child' (co oznacza, ze uzycie 'kid' w formach urzedniczego jezyka moze zostac odebrane jako lekcewazace)…
>1. dlaczego people zamiast person ? bo lm dla 'two' ludzi to 'two people', a nie 'two person' >2. She has ... short black hair ( dlaczego nie dajemy tutaj …
>unique takie tez bylo moje pierwsze przypuszczenie…
Nie myslalam o kapeluszach od lat. (w sensie 'nie myslalam o noszeniu kapeluszy od lat')…
>In the picture I can see two {people}: a woman and a man. This woman is {a} >brunette and she has {} short black hair. She is tall and slim, she has >got {} black eyes. Her nose is {like a…
>przez A, ale to slowo znaczy 'ludzie zyjacy w tym samym okresie co >ktos', a nie 'majacy tyle samo lat' rowniez 'majacy tyle samo lat'…
>It's ages SINCE I WAS IN an Indian restaurant - OK. It's ages since {I (last) went to} an Indian restaurant.…
nie musisz uzywac spojnika 'that', chyba, ze piszesz oficjalne pismo…
When it hurts, it means you're still alive.…
>obydwa są nieformalne actually, you're right…
'lots of' jest bardziej luzne w przekazie, stad uzywaj 'a lot of' w formalnym jezyku zamiast 'lots of'…
What would give her?…
I dreamed that you gave me your autograph.…
>1. Nie wierzę ci. Nie oszukasz mnie więcej. >I don't belive you. You aren't going to snooker me {any} more. > >2. Czy możesz powtórzyć, co powiedziałeś? >Can you repeat w…
ale tam tez sa nie do konca pelne informacje na temat zastosowania przedimkow, chociazby ta o posilkach: z posilkami mozna uzywac przedimkow, jezeli mowimy o jakims konkretnym posilku, badz opisujac j…
ja oczywiscie nie jestem nativem, ale w moim slowniku Cambridge jest taki przyklad, i to dotyczacy zawalenia zdania prawa jazdy…
ja osobiscie polecalbym wydawnictwo Express Publishing i ich serie 'Click On' - jest mega wypasiona w materialy do nauczania…
exactly - we have the introductory (or dummy) 'it' to form cleft sentences; you'll definitely find examples with 'that' as the introductory notion, though…
understanding him. The meaning of the sentences is very clear >(to me). If, however, he was leering lasciviously as he uttered them, >then all bets would be off. Bang on, ma'am - body …
mozesz powiedziec 'every one has...', ale juz wczesniej musi byc wiadomo, ze chodzi ci o koszule, a nie o cos lub kogos innego…
mozna tez doslownie: You in Italy pretty face? That's not safe for you.…
>I mean: go with on holiday.... Artur, if someone really wanted to make themselves clearly understood, they would be more specific in his speech, wouldn't they? And you, saying 'go wit…
you should know >what I mean No, I don't, I'm afraid. Since suniab was able to understand the sentences without any problems, why shouldn't others be able to?…
>a co myslisz o: >With whom did you go on holiday? With X? jest ok, ale takie bardzo wystylizowane - kumple/kumpelki pomiedzy soba tak nie mowia…
I don't think you got my point right. As you must already know, there are people who would never allow the use of a preposition at the end of the sentence. Hence, the first two versions of my …
And what about the other sentence, 'Who were you with on holiday?'? I suppose 'be on holiday' is as good a fixed phrase as it is not. Try to think about the sentences this way (…
If that's the case, why doesn't he sit in front of his TV and watch 'Twister' on ITV2 instead?…
a to dlaczego tak, a nie tak, jak ja napisalem :?…
czasu past simple, czasownika 'be' lub czasownika 'go', lub czasownika 'spend': Who were you with on holiday? Who did you go with on holiday? Who did you spend your ho…