Profil użytkownika Janski - wpisy na forum

241-270 z 651
Podepnę się do tematu. I have been living here all my life - mieszkam tu całe swoje życie (mieszkałam w przeszłości i mieszkam nadal) vs I have lived here all my life - mieszkałem tutaj całe swoje życ…
Dlaczego w zdaniach czasami używane są wyrażenia w taki albo taki sposób?: in the night/at night in the mornings/ at mornings Czy w tłumaczeniu na polski ma to jakieś znaczenie? Hi Krulik 12, Are y…
Dlaczego w zdaniach czasami używane są wyrażenia w taki albo taki sposób?: in the night/at night in the mornings/ at mornings Czy w tłumaczeniu na polski ma to jakieś znaczenie? Would you say he an…
Adriano dobrze wytłumaczyłeś, a Janski pokazuje, że wie o wiele więcej, tylko po co? Było konkretne pytanie, była konkretna odpowiedź. Dziękuje. Dlatego też odpowiedziałem ironicznie koledze Jański…
Adriano dobrze wytłumaczyłeś, a Janski pokazuje, że wie o wiele więcej, tylko po co? Było konkretne pytanie, była konkretna odpowiedź. You misinform too.…
the theft of the car in which the alarm went off took longer You realize you misinform?…
Przed porami dnia zazwyczaj używa się przyimka ''in'' – ''in the morning'', ''in the afternoon'', ''in the evening''. Pr…
To work under contract, you sign a contract, and, as a result, you are a contractor, a subcontractor, or a principal contractor. Company P hires a contractor C. Then, C contracts out the job (or part…
Paraphrase: To what degree/extent does fear play prevent us from….. Fear play = play through fear = (diverting) activity, including manipulation of something (patient) while using fear instrumentally…
Ja się spotykałem z taką formą: Jonny, please take Mr. Jamal downstairs. What if the bathroom is the place Mr. Jamal urgently needs?…
Relying on planned obsolescence, built-to-fail design, and contrived product disposability as means of growing business is a sign of unimaginative thinking. Growing business on planned obsolescence, …
"Our priorities can get messed up existing in a society that puts a currency on curating the way people see your life" - nie mogę się połapać o co chodzi. Początek rozumiem bez problemu, ale…
Are you for real? Aren't you supposed to look things up on the Web when you need answers to your ignorance, mate? Check this out then:…
Business Tourism? What's that?…
Are you effectively saying that 'I hope we will meet' is the only way you can say that? No, I am not. But chance, occasion, opportunity… contribute their own respective meanings, which may …
Dzięki :D lookniesz jeszcze na to? (Next time you ask me to "lookniesz," I am not going to "lookniesz.") Now, I would like to say a few words about the patient. The patient was…
"To" after "hope" is not optional. "Will" is not optional after "hope" either …
a to? In the PNF concept, it is important to (again, no colon) -develop appropriate motor strategy -encourage a positive approach with minimal pain -make sure all tasks are realized -motivate patien…
Option, optional emphasize right or privilege of choosing. One opts in or opts out, according to one's desire. "To" after "hope" is not optional. Chance deals in the realm o…
The main symptoms of the disease are (no colon) - pain in gait and exertion; when condition progresses, also in bed rest - limited range of joint motion in the lower limb - decreased lower limb mus…
The (past) continuous is a stativizer. People stativize (create states) to build a backdrop against which they develop a narrative. Telling a story often requires us to show what situations overlap, …
Witam wszystkich, czy to zdanie jest sformułowane poprawnie? Below I enclose a return address to send back my passport to. Yes. Because a return address will do. Because they need a return address t…
KARTA KIEROWCY / DRIVER FROM Kierowco, w celu ochrony Twojego zdrowia i zdrowia podróżnych, w związku z zagrożeniem epidemią koronawirusa, pracownicy służby zdrowia poproszą Cię o wypełnienie tego for…
Ja byl dala to duza litera, 'the Dean' - to jest funkcja, tak jak Director, Premier, Minister.. Clinton was given the job of (the) president (of the United States). Or, Clinton was elected …
Dlaczego przed dean jest the? To nazwa funkcji. Co myślicie? Mr. Bertollucci was the dean of the press corps at the White House. After the war, he quit journalism. Just before retirement, he was th…
Later in the day we learned that the man who was killed was named Vicente Girones, and came from near Tafalla. Czy nie powinno być: "Later in the day we learned that the man who had beenkilled h…
While I was dressing, I heard Brett put down glasses and then a siphon, and then heard them talking. Pozdrawiam ...was dressing… produces an open-ended homogeneous state. I could have started dress…
Janski, what exactly is it that makes you explain things using language that is inaccessible to those who ask?? ...But his mostly used words are shit and ass, or their synonyms. His fixation on disgus…
de dicto? If Daffy wasn't confused before, she sure is now. De re and de dicto should be known expressions to those who know (of) the difference between denotations of kinds (or types, sorts...)…
and how can he see several never negations in that sentence? Endure and keep asking the zielonosiwy zaskroniec. The piece of shit might click back to you. She knows things. You owe me a lot already.…
241-270 z 651