1. model samolotu = the model of an airplane (=an airplane model), or the model of an aircraft (=an aircraft model)
2. plastikowy model samolotu = the plastic model of an airplane/aircraft = a plasti…
Chciałam zapytać czy mając do wyboru słówka: any/some/no one, any/some/nowhere, any/some/nothing
jest możliwość wstawienia: ,,There's …....nothing lub something lub somewhere lub nowhere.........…
Qualitative presentation invites a mass (qualitative) interpretation. Instance interpretation needs an instance presentation. Either way, both presentations and readings are acceptable as long as both…
Also, the original sentence is correct as is and doesn't need "fixing"
Also, the original sentence is correct as is and doesn't need "fixing"
Wrong on both counts. You d…
Such synonymous possibilities as are illustrated in XX are not equally acceptable.
Te are rzuciło mi się w oczy ponieważ ja bym je pominął. Czy popełniłbym błąd? Czy jest jakaś róznica?
You would be…
reading and writing skill was all they would (ever) need
you're talking about two different skils here, so 'reading and writing skills'
Nope. Why only two?
The English alphabet has 26 …
"Teeth" is an irregular plural. Irregular plurals can form noun+noun structures; being roots or stems, they contribute modification to the head noun uninfected, just as singulars do.
Teeth s…
which caused rotting children's jaws and teeth
which caused jaw and teeth rot in children (rot is a noun here)
was caused by soot irritation
By default, if said out of the blue:
throat, skin, e…
Czemu w zdaniach:
Which is the older of the two brothers ? (Tu pytanie jest zadane do zdania "Bob is the older...")
Which would you rather be, an autor or a autor?
Nie ma who a jest…
Co jest nie tak z tym zdaniem ?
There is a clash of the underlying definiteness of the interrogative pronoun which and the INdefiniteness of the choice string presented, i.e., of the indefinite "…
Dude, which jest ok. Wg stockexchange what tez jest akceptowalne.
...Wszystkie sa poprawne ...
Since, as you say, (1), (2), and (3) above are OK, why your mother wouldn't say (4)?
(4) Which woul…
Re: omitted articles…(dinner, game,…)
….dla wygody
…Because 'dinner' is uncountable in phrases such as 'have dinner' and 'for dinner'.
….with meals you don't normall…
Which vs what.
Which tylko w kontekscie wyboru bedzie poprawne. Generalnie what i which gramatycznie oba sa wymienne.
Pytanie whivh narzuca ze osoba pytajaca wie miedzy czym a czym ma wybrac. W pytan…
Mysle ze topic odpowiedziany
Too tough?
Let's switch from composers to animals:
?Which/?What would you rather be: a cat or a dog?
?Which/?What would you rather be: the cat or the dog?…
Np. Whats for dinner (today)?
Jezeli chodzi ci o dzisiaj bo raczej o to sie pytasz. A jak nie to napisz whats for dinner next month.
Is "dinner (today)" definite or indefinite? Countable o…
Child: Mom, what's for dinner?
Mother: Meatballs, dear.
"Mom, what's for dinner?" is a full blown sentence. It's got everything that constitutes a sentence. Why not "Mom…
No more beating around the bush, you useless smart asses. Which are correct?
(1) Which would you rather be: a Chopin or a Tchaikovsky?
(2) Who would you rather be: a Chopin or a Tchaikovsky?
(3) Whic…
'' Hey I was curious to see if you roleplay at all ''
Role-play = (play a role, just as an actor on stage would do), pretend to be what one is not, make believe.
...if you role-p…
Witam ! To czy tłumaczenie wygląda mniej więcej tak ?
"left them stranded" - pozostawili ich uwięzionymi w ...
here left them stranded = abandoned them
If you’re stuck somewhere with n…
Witam ! To czy tłumaczenie wygląda mniej więcej tak ?
"left them stranded" - pozostawili ich uwięzionymi w ...
here left them stranded = abandoned them…
a sama najpierw?
Nawet nie próbuj tego poprawiać, najlepiej po prostu usuń
19th century phraseology...
Is there a janitor on duty on this board? Why does he let this mg asshole crap around like tha…
i. Rosemary’s ridiculous ideas are the source of constant amusement to me.
ii. Rosemary’s ridiculous ideas are a constant source of amusement to me.
Czy może mi ktoś wyjaśnić motywację za użyciem p…
Dziękuje Aaric!
All verbs? Can you find one that doesn't?
Example 2: I am being patient from now on. For good.
Temporariness applies only to the time dimension of a verb meaning. Its epistemic …
Monitoring jakoś negatywnie mi się kojarzył bardziej ze sprawdzaniem niż z nadzorowaniem ze wsparciem (z szefowaniem a nie liderowaniem).
A czy mogę prosić jeszcze o pomoc w przetlumaczeniu "…
Dzień dobry,
Chciałabym prosić o wskazówkę.
Mam zdanie "I set my alarm clock for 7:00am, it didn't go off"
Przed "I set" mam wstawić although lub however, ja uważam że oby…
Of is an emphatically defining word when it follows and restricts a relational singular noun. With singular relational nouns (N1), abstract or concrete, the N1 of N2 is a standard construction, N2 bei…